allegiance metaphor examples

When he marched against Aretas, his army with their standards did not enter Judaea at all; but he himself went up to Jerusalem for the feast and, on receipt of the news that Tiberius was dead, administered to the Jews the oath of allegiance to Caligula. They renounced their allegiance to King James and were greatly disappointed when their standards found no place in the religious settlement of 1689, continuing to hold the belief that the covenants should be made obligatory upon the entire nation. Follow dramatic, political power struggles, German scientists switching allegiance and what happened to early rockets transporting fruit flies into space. If these situations can with difficulty find a place in our picture of Solomon's might, it is clear that some of them form the natural introduction to the subsequent history, when his death brought internal discontent to a head, when the north under Jeroboam refused allegiance to the south, and when the divided monarchy enters upon its eventful career by the side of the independent states of Edom, Damascus and Phoenicia. In 1652 it returned to its allegiance, but was captured by the duke of Vendome in 1697. Edi on the north-east coast, with another harbour, is capital of a sultanate which formerly owed allegiance to the sultan of Achin, but has formed a political division of the government of Achin since 1889, when an armed expedition restored order. It begins with an idea, a business model, workforce, and operations among other things. This was cutting at the common root of allegiance, emigration and colonization; but such radicalism was too thorough-going for the immediate end. Simple. when it joined the revolted Samnites. (Dr. Seuss) Your heart is my piata. My body feels like someone has replaced my blood with molasses, and my bones with lead. He was a stainless steel ruler, tall, straight and always measured in response. In some ways, a complex metaphor is similar to a telescoped metaphor. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. She was such a peacock, strutting around with her colorful new hat. Walid went still further and sent letters to the governors of all the provinces, calling on them to take the oath of allegiance to his son. But the Austrian court and Sigismund's own mother, Queen Bona, seem to have been behind the movement, and so violent was the agitation at Sigismund's first diet (31st of October 1548) that the deputies threatened to renounce their allegiance unless the king instantly repudiated Barbara. For example, in the Einstein quote above, abstract disciplines are . Metaphor Examples in Music. Solaimn, to whom the victory was due, was then commissioned by the caliph to reconquer Egypt from the Tulunids, and after securing the allegiance of the Syrian prefects he invaded Egypt by sea and land at once. Katy Perry, "Firework". For example, pick a symbolic animal that may appear somewhere in your story as a pet, in a painting, discussed in dialogue, or as a character in a fable. - According to her, only shades of gray make up life. I crumple to my knees. In some cases, you can get into serious trouble for taking an oath and then going back on your word or not living up to your promise. 6. In1693-1694the kirk was much irritated by William's demands for oaths of allegiance to himself, without the consent of the ecclesiastical courts. Meanwhile the remote provinces of the empire began to throw off their allegiance to the sultans of Delhi. Elephant. it returned to its former allegiance. Already in October 1879 it was clear enough that he had thrown in his lot with the Liberal party, but it was not till March 1880 that he publicly announced this change of allegiance. Shortly afterwards he refused to swear allegiance to the new imperial government, and was dismissed the service. Americana crosses often have the American flag colors or patriotic documents such as the Pledge of Allegiance. Vivid imagery - Powerful imagery attracts the interest of the reader and makes the content realistic and memorable. Here are some of the most famous examples of metaphors: 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. In a second manifesto published at Jezierna, on the 24th of June, the insurrectionists again renounced their allegiance to the king. Other Guebres occupied themselves privately with the collection of these traditions; and, when a prince of Persian origin, Yakub ibn Laith, founder of the Saffarid dynasty, succeeded in throwing off his allegiance to the caliphate, he at once set about continuing the work of his illustrious predecessors. 's part to suppress Protestantism in certain parts of the country, and mistrusting a formal guarantee of religious liberty which was given to them in 1609, the Silesians joined hands with the Bohemian insurgents and renounced their allegiance to their Austrian ruler. Synonyms of allegiance 1 a : the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord b (1) : the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government I pledge allegiance to my country. Allegiance definition, the loyalty of a citizen to his or her government or of a subject to his or her sovereign. His wisdom is shown by the prudent measures which he took by enacting the Nizam-ijedid, or new regulations for the improvement of the condition of the Christian rayas, and for affording them security for life and property; a conciliatory attitude which at once bore fruit in Greece, where the people abandoned the Venetian cause and returned to their allegiance to the Porte. Metaphors do not use connecting words. They were not treasonable, but talked much, refusing allegiance to the new government; and as they controlled the resources of the colony and the good will of the Indians, they felt their strength against the local authority; besides, they were its constant benefactors. This excellent system has commended itself to many countries and it is now adopted by the bulk of governments and jurisdictions owing allegiance to the British Crown. While these are predominately made for boys and girls, adult fans of both genders can find gear that, if not proper pajamas, at least makes for comfy sleepwear that shows where your football allegiance lies. piety stresses fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. And after the capture of Stirling Castle and Sir William Oliphant, and the submission of Sir Simon Fraser, he was left alone, but resolute as ever in refusing allegiance to the English king. You're a pirate, so you have no allegiance to anyone, right? He was the first Visigothic king who wore the crown, and it would appear that he threw off all pretence of allegiance to the empire. Clearly, love is not a literal battlefield. The problem with the absolute metaphor is that it's not always simple enough. Examples. The new K1200 r roadster is a muscle bike that owes its allegiance to nothing that has gone before. Definitely vs. McDonald's. Here's another example of a visual metaphor in advertising that banks on simplicity. Here are the best metaphor examples for kids. They viewed with displeasure and foreboding the fall of Iturbide's empire and the creation of the republic. Or is it more a matter of how academics construct their professional identities, how they define their tribal allegiances? (2) : the obligation of an alien to the government under which the alien resides 2 : devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause In the United States an alien desiring to be naturalized must declare on oath his intention to become a citizen of the United States; two years afterwards must declare on oath his intention to support the constitution of the United States and renounce allegiance to every foreign power, including that of which he was before a subject; must prove residence in the United States for five years, and in the state where his application is made for one year, as a good citizen; and must renounce any title of nobility. In 1527 the Croats were compelled to swear allegiance to Ferdinand I. Someone has excellent eyesight. About seven years after its second colonization, the Athenian Cimon wrested it from the Lacedaemonians; but in 440 B.C. Alexander now contemplated sending Cesare to Romagna to subdue the turbulent local despots, and with the help of the French king carve a principality for himself out of those territories owing nominal allegiance to the pope. Teams should choose their colors based on allegiance to a school or organization and personal preference. Ignatius and his companions, however, had but little doubt of ultimate success, and so bound themselves, on the 15th of April 1539, to obey any superior chosen from amongst their body, and added, on the 4th of May certain other rules, the most important of which was a vow of special allegiance to the pope for mission purposes to be taken by all the members of the society. This act of oppression presumably strengthened the Syrian faction of the Jews and led to the transference of the nation's allegiance. I cough and splutter, and I am swallowed by darkness. He feels very uncomfortable in a situation. Mansur had written to Abdarrahman, announcing the death of Abu`l-Abbas, and requiring him to take the oath of allegiance. metaphor, figure of speech that implies comparison between two unlike entities, as distinguished from simile, an explicit comparison signalled by the words like or as. Metaphor Examples for Intermediate Readers The slashes indicate line breaks. "But it is just two lovers, holding hands and in a hurry to reach their car, their locked hands a starfish leaping through the dark." Rabbit, Run, John Updike 3. In his pastoral letter to his clergy urging them to take the oath of allegiance, Burnet grounded the claim of William and Mary on the right of conquest, a view which gave such offence that the pamphlet was burnt by the common hangman three years later. This prince must have been familiar with Leonardo as a child, but perhaps resented the ready transfer of his allegiance to the French, and at any rate gave him no employment. devotion stresses zeal and service amounting to self-dedication. The system as a whole is something too artificial to secure whole-hearted allegiance. The act of liege homage to a particular lord did not interfere with the vassal's allegiance as a subject to his sovereign, or with his duty to any other suzerain of whom he might hold lands. The " Mecklenburg Declaration," which it is alleged was passed on the 10th of the same month by the same committee, " dissolves the political bonds " which have connected the county with the mother country, " absolves " the citizens of that county " from all allegiance to the British Crown," declares them " a free and independent people," and abounds in other phrases which closely resemble phrases in the great Declaration of the 4th of July 1776. Similarly no one since civilization emerged from barbarism has ever really been willing to yield allegiance to a deity who is not moral in the fullest and highest sense of the word. This suggests the person is. So, now we know, in either case, a metaphor is about thinking, imagining or experiencing one thing in terms of another thing; simply put. (Terry Pratchet) You are sunlight and I moon. Matilda had a few genuine partisans, such as her half-brother Robert, earl of Gloucester, tile illegitimate son of Henry I., btit the large majority of those who took arms in her name were ready to sell their allegiance to either candidate in return for lands, or grants of rank or privilege. But these principalities, though independent respecting internal administration, and making war or peace with their neighbours according to opportunity, owned allegiance to the peshwa at Poona as the head of the Mahratta race. In France an alien desiring naturalization, if he has not resided continuously in the country for ten years, must obtain permission to establish his domicile in France; three years after (in special cases one year) he is entitled to apply for naturalization, which involves the renunciation of any existing allegiance. After admission to the college, the ephebus took the oath of allegiance, recorded in Pollux and Stobaeus (but not in Aristotle), in the temple of Aglaurus, and was sent to Munychia or Acte to form one of the garrison. In 1602 Rory gave in his allegiance to Lord Mountjoy, the lord deputy; and in the following summer he went to London with the earl of Tyrone, where he was received with favour by James I., who created him earl of Tyrconnel. ), and Ardys his son and successor returned to his allegiance to Nineveh. For example, the mixed metaphor, "He was born with a silver foot in his mouth" combines the metaphors "To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth" (meaning: to be born privileged) and "To put one's foot in one's mouth" (meaning: to say something embarrassing) to create a puzzlingly humorous hybrid. This identification of " Catholic " with " Roman " was accentuated by the progress of the Reformation. For example, "this cat weighs a ton." Metonymy Referring to something or someone by the name of an associated thing. Not only does it show the reader that your love is very deep indeed, but it also creates a mental picture of a deep ocean. On the 25th of March 1783 he was chosen their bishop by ten episcopal clergymen of Connecticut, meeting in Woodbury; as he could not take the British oath of allegiance, Seabury was shut out from consecration by the English bishops, and he was consecrated by Scotch bishops at Aberdeen on the 14th of November 1784. In the Habsburg hereditary dominions the traditional policy and Catholic fervour of the ruling house resulted, after a long struggle, in the restoration of the supremacy of Rome; while in Hungary the national spirit of independence kept Calvinism alive to divide the religious allegiance of the people. For people who learn best through a visual medium, sometimes looking at an image can help them to achieve understanding they wouldn't have achieved through reading. Joining the Confederation of the Rhine in 1807, they supported Napoleon until 1813, when they transferred their allegiance to the allies; in 1815 they became members of the Germanic Confederation, and in 1828 joined, somewhat reluctantly, the Prussian Zollverein. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'allegiance.' The planters now offered their allegiance to Great Britain; and an English force landed in the colony. The sky is covered with cotton. 30 This is the elephant in the room. loyalty implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray. "Even when it's rainy all you ever do is shine. allegiance in American English (lidns) noun 1. the loyalty of a citizen to his or her government or of a subject to his or her sovereign 2. loyalty or devotion to some person, group, cause, or the like SYNONYMS See loyalty. Example #15: Imagine a road trip to San Francisco . By this step the pope became his vassal, and a divided allegiance was rendered impossible for the German clergy. (Pat Benatar) Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them. Thus some arose who declared allegiance to the idealistic intuitionalism of Wang Yang-ming, and others advocated direct study of the works of Confucius and Mencius. Fortunately for the duke of Guienne the majority of his subjects had no desire to become Frenchmen; the Gascons felt no national sympathy with their neighbors of the north, and the towns in especial were linked to England by close ties of commerce, and had no wish whatever to break off their allegiance to the house of Plantagenet. Babylonia was politically unsettled, the representative of the Davidic dynasty had descendants; if Babylon was assured of the allegiance of Judah further acts of clemency may well have followed. They were to execute justice, to enforce respect for the royal rights, to control the administration of the counts, to receive the oath of allegiance, and to supervise the conduct and work of the clergy. Dissensions arose between them and the ministers of Arcadius; the Goths threw off their allegiance, and chose Alaric as their king. Another important development of the principle of allegiance is to be found in the custom of heriots. Metaphors are an example of figurative language because they aren't meant to be taken literally. The Cimmerian hordes returned, Gyges was slain in battle (652 B.C. The English language is chock-full of ways to compare one thing to another. In his revised New Testament Marcion speaks of " the covenant which is the mother of us all, which begets us in the holy Church, to which we have vowed allegiance.". 8. His commitment to both camps, however, makes the question of his ultimate allegiance a difficult one. The first, proclaiming his own allegiance, put himself at the head of a large body of troops and marched towards the capital. As contrasted with the colossal display of power on the part of the Church of Rome, it must be allowed that the churches which in the 16th century broke off from their allegiance to the Latin centre at first showed no great anxiety for the extension of the gospel and the salvation of the heathen. This was of great importance to William, not only for military reasons, but also because of his firm resolve to make the under-tenants (though the "men" of their lords) swear allegiance directly to himself. Dermot MacMorrough, king of Leinster, an unquiet Irish prince who for good reasons had been expelled by his neighbors, came to Henrys court in Normandy, proffering his allegiance in return for restoration to his lost dominions. He refused to give in his allegiance to the emperor Napoleon III., and in 1860 accepted the command of the papal army, which he led in the Italian campaign of 1860. It was the zenith of the power of the baronial anarchists, who moved from camo to camp with shameless rapidity, wresting from one or other of the two rival sovereigns some royal castle, or some dangerous grant of financial or judicial rights, at each change of allegiance. He has gone to them with word of his breaking allegiance to pursue his title without their mediation or interference. How do you write a good metaphor? The left wing of the party,-22 deputies and 5 senators - after a somewhat violent quarrel, then broke away and formed an independent organization owing allegiance to the Third (Moscow) International. I simply wish to refuse allegiance to the State, to withdraw and stand aloof from it effectually. Emerson disclaimed allegiance to that philosophy. Such double allegiance is apt to exist in times of transition from one sovereignty to another; for example, in the 18th century, in the British possessions in India, the Mogul was said to exercise a personal sovereignty. In 1653 Poland made a supreme effort, the diet voted 17,000,000 gulden in subsidies, and John Casimir led an army of 60,000 men into the Ukraine and defeated the arch-rebel at Zranta, whereupon Chmielnicki took the oath of allegiance to the tsar (compact of Pereyaslavl, February 19,1654), and all hope of an independent Cossack state was at an end.

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allegiance metaphor examples

allegiance metaphor examples