harold henthorn dateline

Harold Henthorn was one calculating and manipulative murderer. She told Toni she thought Harold wasnt working as much as he said he was, if at all. If you would like to donate, you can visit www.umc.edu/tonibertoletendowment. In photographs released by the US Attorney's Office after the. CBS4 Investigator Brian Maass has been with the station more than 30 years uncovering waste, fraud and corruption. Although Harold pleaded not guilty at his trial, the jury did not deliberate long before pronouncing him guilty. Over the course of those dozen years, Bob and Yvonne Bertolet watched their daughter change. Had they checked, they would have found that Harold actually received twice that much. Henthorn was indicted on Nov. 6 in the death of his second wife, who fell to her death while hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park. Buried inside the report, Detective Weaver found a reference to a footprint. He insisted to anyone who would listen that he was an in-demand fundraiser who had a large staff and made millions a year. Lynns death and Harolds behavior, Montoya told him, were still the creepiest thing Ive ever seen.. A true parent places a childs needs above their own selfish wants. But for us, there will be, forever in this life, the pain and tears, maybe not seen by others, for our daughter, killed in a cruel, sadistic, senseless and cowardly act of violence.On September 29, 2012, the family as a whole decided on a course of action, not believing that the tragedy was an accident. But every time she broached the subject of Harolds job, the couples lack of money or his need for control over every part of her life, Toni always had the same response: If you do that, Ill suffer the consequences. I will never celebrate my birthday again. Yvonne and I will never again hear Toni say, Hi Momma, Hi Daddy, this is Sissy.We hear you, Sissy, in our hearts. Montoya eventually got so fed up with the fact that Harold wouldnt help warm up his freezing, near-death wife that she used her own coat and left it at the scene once she and her family realized the police were almost there. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. It's a mandatory sentence for first-degree murder. var sc_project=9846729; The Defendant claimed to be a family man, when, in fact he was a selfish man. And, ultimately, the investigation rattled Harold. For both wives of Harold Henthorn, the locations where they died were deserted and Henthorn was the only other person present. He then let them take the lead when it came time to give her CPR. On the map of the park he had with him the day of Tonis death, there was a literal Xright at the spot where Toni went over the edge. And the only reason Weaver was even looking at this thin excuse for a file was that now that same husband was a widower once more. He was 50 when his wife Toni passed away. A 59-year-old Colorado man was found guilty Monday of killing his wife by pushing her off a cliff in Rocky Mountain National Park in order to collect millions in life insurance money. Nor did the coroners office report whether the contents of Lynns stomach indicated one story was more plausible than the other. On May 6 of that year, Henthorn and his first wife, Sandra Lynn, were driving through the dark. The bad guy is the Defendant, and the evil that our children must now comprehend came from within the family in the form of a parent and an uncle. The strange saga of Henthorn and his two ill-fated wives began back in the spring of 1995. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. DENVER (CBS4) - CBS4 has learned that the brother of convicted killer Harold Henthorn -- Rob Henthorn -- has been ordered to appear in court next month to explain what happened to $500,000 sent to him in 2014 by his brother Harold Henthorn. That detail led to a much closer investigation of Tonis death. What kind of mind thinks like that to kill based on an opportunity? (This was also brought up in court.) At least that's what he told family, friends, and everyone else. This case has revealed more than just the circumstances behind the wrongful death of Toni Bertolet Henthorn; it has also revealed the ugly truth of the extent of the deceitfulness of the Defendant.The Defendant is the evil that lurked in unthinkable places to manipulate his way into Tonis life as well as others of her character. We take solace that prayers are being answeredIn closing, I thank the Court for allowing me to present this Victim Impact Statement. But, as the lead investigator would later testify to in court, theyd never checked the print against the shoes to see if they were a match. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. The Defendant deserves the sentence of this Court as he has worked his entire adult life earning the same. The Defendant has blamed the victim for her own death. "That was very meaningful," Bertolet said. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A jury convicted Henthorn of murder in 2015 after about 10 and a half hours of deliberation. Their only daughter was gone. Toni Bertolet Henthorn died after she was pushed off a cliff during an anniversary hike in Rock Mountain National Park. The only question was whether Harold Henthorn would ever face any consequences. There was something else, too, buried inside the file. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Todd Bertolet, Toni Henthorn's brother said, "That was what was so odd. To the young man who thought he needed a new prescription for his glasses, but was diagnosed by Toni with an aggressive brain tumor requiring immediate intervention, Tonis life mattered and was indispensable. She wanted her to say that she would listen to her mothers warning. IE 11 is not supported. Author Vissarion Belinsky appropriately noted, Nothing is more sacred and selfless like the love of a mother; every affection, everylove, every passion, is either weak or selfish in comparison with her. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The spring night was cold and Lynn was only wearing a t-shirt. Harold Henthorn flanked by first wife Lynn and second wife Toni. In fact, the Defendant has never been unlucky; only the Defendants wives have been unlucky with their untimely and obscure deaths. For a time, she wondered if she would ever be able to perform another operation. The Douglas County Coroner had ruled Lynns death as accidental. Secondly, we wanted to provide a safe and loving environment for Haley, preferably with her mothers Mississippi family. She Used the Bathroom And Became a Target of the Culture War, Here's How LaRussell and Intuit are Helping Independent Artists Understand How to Achieve Their Financial Ambitions, Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder of Wife and Son, Alex Murdaugh Found Guilty of Murdering Wife and Son, Tennessee Enacts Nations First Law Restricting Drag Shows, The National Stay Up Late to Perform 'Tropic Morning News' on Fallon, David Lindley, Multi-Instrumentalist Who Shaped the Sound of Soft Rock, Dead at 78, Suki Waterhouse Won't Take Romance for Granted on New Single 'To Love', Travis Barker Says His Finger Ligament Surgery Was a 'Success' After Postponing Blink-182 Tour. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. scJsHost+ Haley is not fine without her mother. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". DENVER (CBS4) - CBS4 has learned that the brother of convicted killer Harold Henthorn -- Rob Henthorn -- has been ordered to appear in court next month to explain what happened to $500,000. The Defendant even proclaimed to a group of school mothers that Tonis daughter would be fine, because the real relationship was actually between Haley and him. Yet as soon as she moved to Colorado, Toni was no longer able to speak to her mother alone. Bertolet said he and his family believe Harold Henthorn funneled the $500,000 to his brother anticipating that he would eventually be charged criminally for Toni Henthorn's death and might not have access to the money. Initially, the couple appeared ecstatic in their new life and were happy with each other. Did you arrest the husband yet? shed asked. Harold Henthorn, and his wife Toni.. Toni was a successful eye surgeon yet she wanted nothing more than to be in a loving marriage and have a family. Her greatest asset was her ability to feel what others were feeling. If he is ultimately convicted of murder, he will face a mandatory life sentence with no possibility of parole. To another he said it wasnt him Lynn was actually rescued by a random group of helpful strangers. I think there is a special place in hell for someone like [Harold].. The travel for work that didnt seem, to Yvonne at least, to be real? But was it an accident? Initially quite respected and thought of as a regular citizen, people who knew Henthorn were shocked after his conviction as a murderer. Several of the jurors spoke with the Denver Post following the verdict, and one jurors comment summed their thinking up maybe better than any other. Employee communication . A jury convicted him of murdering his second wife, Toni Bertolet, based on evidence that he murdered his first wife, Sandra 'Lynn' Henthorn. On Thursday, prosecutors released photos and audio used in the murder trial of Harold Henthorn, 59 Henthorn was convicted last month of first-degree murder in the 2012 death of his wife Toni,. And despite her having all the trappings of happiness a big house, a healthy child, a yearly Christmas card detailing everything thatd gone right for them that never seemed to happen. On May 6, 1995, Harold and Lynndecided to go on a long drive along a highway in Sedalia, Colorado. We grieve that we were not by her side in her dying moments. Lynn Henthorns death was a tragedy, not a crime. How does she know that a person of perceived trust will not cause her harm? A federal jury on Monday convicted a man of murder for pushing his wife off a cliff as they hiked in Colorado to celebrate their wedding anniversary. At trial, the coroner testified that Tonis lipstick hadnt been mussed, meaning Harold hadnt actually performed CPR. The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Even though he said he could work from anywhere, he didnt see a future in Mississippi, where Tonis family, friends and nearly everyone else who was dear to her already lived. Now he needed an answer to a question that was gnawing at him. How else to explain all the strangeness? So Yvonne continued with a final warning. Grief is place where one never wishes to remain; yet it will be our unending passage due to the wrongful acts of the Defendant. It was Yvonnes job as a surgical nurse and the fact that she kept medical textbooks lying open around the house while Toni was growing up that first inspired Toni to get her start in medicine. Case closed. Bob and Yvonne voiced their concerns to Toni when they could, which meant the few times they traveled to Colorado to see her in person and got her alone. Bob and Yvonne watched as Harold slowly took control of Tonis life. Dateline Toni Henthorn, Harold Henrhorn's 37-year-old wife, was killed in October 2015. Maybe it wasnt the most critical detail. A federal jury on Monday convicted a man of murder for pushing his wife to her death off a cliff as they hiked in Colorado's Rocky Mountain National Park to celebrate their wedding anniversary, rejecting his claim that her fall was a tragic accident. Harold Henthorn and Toni Henthorn tied the knot in 2000. It was only a few days into the new year, 2013, and only a few weeks after the Douglas County Sheriffs Department received a curious letter. Years removed from the original investigation, with Toni Henthorns suspicious fall raising new concerns, Detective Weaver was told to go where the truth led him. In the upcoming documentary, Brian Maas will investigate the crime that captured the nation when Harold Henthorn was finally arrested for the murder of his second wife 20 years after the death of his first wife, Sandra Lynn Rishell, aka Lynn . Instead, it appears he risked it all for some insurance compensation. Stranger still was Harolds behavior on phone calls. The Defendant claimed to be financially wealthy, when, in fact he had no fortune at all. ". Toni Bertolet Henthorn died after she was pushed off a cliff during an anniversary hike in Rock Mountain National Park. What they wanted was to see Toni happy. The Defendant claimed to have a career and business, when, in fact he had neither. All of Lynns belongings, along with the Jeep, were returned to Harold. She was a volunteer with the West Douglas County Fire Department who arrived on scene shortly after Montoya left. They had lunch together, and headed down a nearby ridge to take pictures, passing the camera back and forth all the while. Even after shed fallen asleep, Harold found a way to keep his eye on his only child. He's either guilty of two murders or he has a perplexing attraction to exceedingly unlucky women. Only a few years later he was surprised to find that the people who ran the county wanted him to work cases. The Defendant created his own reality and everyone in it. Here's everything to know about them. Video marketing. They were out hiking when Toni lost her balance on a steep cliff in Rocky Mountain National Park on September 29th, 2012, bleeding out on the ground 130 feet below where she fell. Harold, in contrast to all those grieving family members, had been calm. The money was purportedly for a business investment, according to evidence presented at an earlier federal court hearing. The letter was from the Department of the Interior, which oversees every one of the countrys 417 national parks. Harold was convicted of first-degree murder, and in 2015 was sentenced to life in federal prison. Their grandchild was now in the care of the man they believed to be her killer. What Toni meant was that Harold didnt like to be questioned. Harold Henthorn, 59, was convicted of one count of first-degree murder in the 2012 death of his second wife, Dr. Toni Henthorn. "We don't have to worry anymore.". Henthorn was able to keep his shoplifting arrest a secret from everyone who knew him. The show even traced the subsequent investigation, focusing on the authorities as they cast their net around the murderer. The lead investigator made mention of a partial print on the wheel well, above the missing tire, the same one that Lynn had supposedly been trying to help change when she was killed. Not only for the death of the wife hed just lost, but for the one whod died so many years before. After all, Harold was a respected member of the community. We can only hope to learn more as the trial kicks into gear. The Defendant proclaimed to be a Christian man when in fact he was an immoral man. She, like Dr. Henthorn, died in a rural and deserted area. By the time Detective Weaver called Roberts, she had been promoted all the way up to chief of the department, and had witnessed more deaths than she cared to count. Harold Henthorn with Sandra Lynn, his first wife. Black Widower: How One Man Allegedly Murdered Two Wives. Harold Henthorn, accused of pushing his second wife to her death in Rocky Mountain National Park, is being eyed in the 1995 death of his first wife. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Harold couldnt account for how the SUV fell off not one, but the two jacks he said hed used to prop it up. Which he always did. Man Accused in Wife's Deadly Fall Also Killed First Wife: Prosecutor. Nothing budged the car. Read More: Where Is Harold and Toni Henthorns Daughter Now? Harold Henthorn faces a mandatory life term when he is sentenced Dec. 8. Suffer the consequences meant having to listen to Harold talk until he got what he wanted. Dateline NBC (@DatelineNBC) November 23, 2016 A few weeks later, in early December, a judge handed down the official sentence: life in prison. It turned out that Harold sent texts to friends and family telling them his wife was injured well after he knew that she was dead. What that something actually was, the Bertolets were slow to find out. Technically he was retired. statements about the tragedy kept changing. My child now asks the appropriate question of how do I know. A portrait artist once said that it is only when the details of eyes are revealed that the observer becomes committed to the face and person before them. He insisted at both the verdict and the sentencing that he would appeal the decision. Many notorious serial killers have been sociopaths, such as Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. Henthorn told investigators that his wife paused to take a photo of the view and fell face-first over the ledge. Shatterdaymorn Plot summary Add synopsis Genres First he convinced her to move to Colorado. My wife is Yvonne and our two sons are Barry and Todd. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The basic facts of the case are these. It took the jury about 10 hours to find Harold Henthorn, 59, guilty of first-degree murder in the death of his second wife, a wealthy Mississippi native. She said she believed Harold was living off of his first wifes life insurance, a death that everyone in the Bertolet family understood to be the result of a tragic car accident. Reading through the file 18 years later, Detective Weaver realized something, which would later come out in court testimony from his superiors: that in almost every one of those conversations Harold made a statement that conflicted with something else hed already said. In 2000, Harold Henthorn married eye doctor Toni Bertolet after they met on a Christian dating website. January 10th was one day short of her mothers birthday on January 11th. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. "); Now that Toni was home by herself in Mississippi, Yvonne could no longer hold her tongue. "Certainly those weren't my sister's wishes," said Bertolet of Harold Henthorn spending his wife's money to fight charges that he killed her. Every morning, she wakes up asking herself, "Did it really happen? var sc_invisible=0; It appeared instead to be a terrible accident. He refused to allow Toni to help put Haley to bed at night, insisting that the hour or so before Haley fell asleep was his daddy-daughter time. Afterwards she would discover what it was that had hurt her so badly: a large piece of lumber that Harold said fell off the porch. If Toni mentioned a stove wasnt working properly or noticed something else that needed fixing, the issue got deliberated for hours, until Toni was so exhausted by the argument that she gave up. There were other inconsistencies too. Testimony in the Henthorn trial showed Harold Henthorn never really had steady employment, had brought in no income while married to Toni Henthorn, and had been living off his ophthalmologist wife and her family's money for years. His first wife Lynn died in 1995 after a car held up by a jack fell on her. To the little boy that was dying on the emergency room table that felt the healing hand of a wonderful physician, but was in need of a guiding hand to heaven from a person of tremendous faith, Tonis life mattered and was indispensable.On September 29, 2012, the Defendant murdered Toni Bertolet Henthorn. But there was something else. It is often said that when a brilliant mind, talent, and heart come together as one, one should expect a Masterpiece. CBS 48 Hours file photos This wasn't the only circumstance that Walsh saw as suspicious. Harold even called 911, and when first responders reached the scene, they noticed that Toni had fallen from a height of 140 feet to her death. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice James 3:16. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. "Toni was either a blessing to the people that surrounded her or a lesson to those that she mentored. To Detective Weaver, it was just one sign among many that the investigation was botched from the beginning. (When reached for comment, the Douglas County Sheriffs Department disputed this characterization, but said they could not elaborate. Her husband calls 911 but she dies and, at first, it seems like an accident. In 2014 federal magistrate judge Kathleen Tafoya said at a hearing, "The court views these transfers as an attempt to hide $500,000 in cash assets which could be used should the defendant decide to flee the country. Haley Henthorn is the daughter of Harold Henthorn. / CBS Colorado. At one time she had been assertive and confident a former high school athlete with a deep commitment to God and an unwavering belief that she was put on Earth to help people heal. Additionally, detectives also discovered that shortly before Lynns death, Harold had doubled her life insurance in case of death by accident and subsequently had collected a lumpsum amount. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The only witness to the accident was her husband. It went on like this for years, with occasional sunbreaks, moments when both Harold and Tonis moods improved and the union seemed salvageable. Selena Gomez vs. Hailey Bieber: Why Everyone Thinks They Need to Pick a Side. On looking back, authorities realized that they had failed to follow up on numerous leads regarding Lynns death, including the partial footprint found on the Jeeps tire. "Believe it or not I forgive him (Henthorn) for doing it. My name is Bob Bertolet, father of the victim, Toni Bertolet Henthorn. The Douglas County Sheriffs employees registered Harolds conflicting statements and made note of the strange fact that the spare tire he said he was going to use was barely more inflated than the one he was removing. A medical physician of Tonis caliber doesnt just happen because one simply holds a medical degree; this type of physician evolves through extraordinary experiences and is not readily replaced.There is no unique perspective or lesson to garner from the wrongful death and loss of Toni it is what it is a devastating loss. Harold Henthorn was a grieving widower. First published on September 23, 2015 / 11:02 PM. To some people he said the Jeep fell when he threw the flat tire into the open hatch in the back. Dateline airs Friday nights at 9 PM on NBC. She called the Sheriffs office the next day to ask where she could pick up the coat. And he maintains his innocence. Toni was not a life form on this Earth with wings and halo; she was a grounded person living an everyday life while doing remarkable deeds that touched peoples lives.Remarkable deeds didnt always shield Toni from the heartaches and losses seen in the practice of medicine, but those heartaches and losses defined and elevated her compassion and care. Montoya and her family had been driving home that night from a day of fishing and picnicking when Harold appeared in the glow of their cars headlights and waved them down. The family had enough money. She died after plummeting about 130 feet off a cliff in a remote, rocky area where the couple had been hiking on Sept. 29, 2012, their 12th wedding anniversary. Tonis alma mater, the University of Mississippi, has set up an endowment in her name that will raise money for ophthalmology education and surgical equipment. When she died, her daughter was only 7 years old. Toni was either a blessing to the people that surrounded her or a lesson to those that she mentored.Toni used her extraordinary abilities to become an accomplished medical physician in the specialty of ophthalmology. In photographs released by the US Attorney's Office after the. No physical evidence remained. Then, when she found out that Lynn had died, she asked the follow-up question, the one record of her that still remained in the case file and made it clear how she felt about Harold. They can keep it under control most of the time, but sometimes when the opportunity arises, they strike. No. A chance to speak frankly with her daughter was something she hadnt had for a long time and Yvonne didnt waste it. The questions from Douglas County police to Harold were perfunctory. That saying served him well working sex crimes for most of a decade. Harold and Toni Henthorn (credit CBS) A federal jury convicted Henthorn of pushing his second wife, Toni, off a cliff in Rocky Mountain National Park in 2012. Yvonne had spent more than a decade suppressing her motherly intuition about Harold so that her daughter would be spared the consequences. I am haunted by my wifes lament: When Toni died, I died. The silence of the victim, Toni Bertolet Henthorn, in the court today represents her loudest cry for her daughter and the injustice at the hands of the Defendant.In closing, this trial was about the last moment in Tonis life and the moment that Toni took her last breath. Do not expect it from cheap people. The defendant is morally cheap and is bankrupt of all honesty.In the Defendants sociopathic world, no person, place, or thing had any power over him, as his thoughts and his mind were the only authority. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Henthorn shook his head when the judge polled the jury, and after the verdict was read, one of the jurors hugged Toni Henthorn's mother, Yvonne Bertolet. Friends and family thought they knew him, but did they, really? As exhibited previously of the mother / daughter relationship between Toni and her mother, the Defendant saw no value in a mothers love; the Defendant only saw the financial value of the life of the mother.To a child, evil and villains are supposed to be easily identifiable. In the process of his own investigation, Detective Weaver discovered that no officer had called the restaurant where Harold claimed, at least in one version of his story, he and Lynn had eaten before the accident. Related: Man Accused in Wife's Deadly Fall Also Killed First Wife: Prosecutor, They seized on Henthorn's inconsistent accounts of the fatal fall and said the evidence did not match his shifting stories. She told Detective Weaver that she had been at accident scenes where family members of victims were crying, screaming, and in some cases so emotional they punched her. Sandra's death is now being re-investigated more thoroughly by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office. Of all the titles that the Defendant has bestowed upon himself without merit, the title of Murderer, bequeathed by the jury, is the only title that the Defendant has earned. Harold claimed that one of the cars tires felt mushy, and pulled over to change it.

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harold henthorn dateline

harold henthorn dateline