known crew member prohibited items

(Note: Personal grooming items such as safety razors are allowed. Authorized crewmembers traveling with a printed boarding pass or seat request card are subject to the TSA Secure Flight (SF) vetting system the same as passengers. Ive seen grandpa working like its his second career to stay busy. The continued success of the program is dependent upon crewmembers demonstrating that they can be trusted to comply with all related requirements. Besides should you be focusing your energy on more important things like fighting the company to allow male FAs to wear blouses and heels! "First responders" L.O.L. I know that pilots also violate security procedures from time to time, but FAs are in an entry level position with nothing to lose compared to a pilot. Some flight crew position names are derived from nautical terms and indicate a rank or command structure similar to that on ocean-going vessels, allowing for quick executive decision making during normal operations or emergency situations. If you really think flying is dangerous because of 9/11 then I would say there are a million other things besides that one and this is an unnecessary power grab by a government agency. Instead of punishing Flight Attendants (who seem to be blamed for SO MUCH & historically are never at fault - Ive done the deep dive research), why dont we put the emphasis on the truly broken system, the TSA - aka. Yet they pay, through their time and treasure, for the billion searches performed in search of contraband and weapons. KCM was a tremendous privilege these years we enjoyed it. "Strip searched" When you fabricate, you lose all credibility. Items Prohibited from Federal Facilities: 4 An Interagency Security Committee Standard List of Prohibited Items 4.0 Lists of Prohibited Items The items that are prohibited in Federal facilities include any item prohibited by any applicable Federal, State, local, and tribal law and/or ordinance, as well as firearms, dangerous weapons, There are a number of products which have entry or exit limitations in Spain from outside the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. KCM provides crewmembers with an alternative entry point into airport sterile areas, which may be separate from the passenger security-screening lanes. Someone just got on an aircraft with a box cutter and attempted to attach someone with it but lets see how many pilots making great money are willing to risk their lives and careers as drug smugglers. Can we also ban the pilots who brought their guns, or the ones bringing their wives wine? Drug interdiction isn't TSA's job and they know it. CAP Solo Pilot Additionally, many of us fly the airlines as passengers with a ticket to get to/from home or the aircraft. Why is all the blame put on flight attendants? A large part of the problem was allowing crew members - pilots or flight attendants - to use KCM when off duty with the exception of going immediately taccess o/from their base as a commuter. 2,056 Sq. The sticky problem here is that a crew member bringing in a pound of drugs could just as easily be bringing in something that could harm an aircraft. Never said I don't care about the passenger. That would solve the vast majority of the issues. For all these keyboard cowboys, do you actually know how to Google? Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, flammable liquids, explosives, and dangerous chemicals will not be returned. The folks who say TSA isn't here for drug smuggling interdiction are absolutely correct. . Maybe the airlines should consider Spandex! The exception is that employees will sometimes be randomly selected to be screened, and the number of random screenings has reportedly increased significantly in recent months (and will continue to increase). Nobody is throwing away a pilot career for smuggling. There's always going to be a few who thwart the rules and get busted. The current limits are arbitrary and nearly meaningless. Do you know how to build an LRBL at 17,500 feet ? After-all, in an emergency at 35,000-feet, calling 911 isn't going to save youbut the flight attendants just might? I have witnessed them walk through checkpoints in droves with little more than a flash of a badge. Also, many large airports have crew and employee security checkpoints that are currently in the secure area that are accessible by employee shuttle buses. Some categories of people are exempt from the normal security process after identity and background checks (though they are still subject to random checks), such as flight crew, some senior government officials with security details, police officers who are required to fly armed (this isn . Also, the US is rolling governments around the world, including in the US, are doing more surveillance of their own citizens - let alone others from other countries. 4.1.1. Known Crewmember Program Information The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and NATA Compliance Services (NATACS) is pleased to offer the Known Crewmember Program (KCM ) to certain Part 135 and Part 125 air charter pilots. 2023 KNOWN CREWMEMBER. With an increase in travelers using these checkpoints to smuggle stuff onto planes, it seems that its going to be reconsidered. 2023 PlanePeople. So, what is even closer scrutiny of crew trying to accomplish? Flight Attendants in Women's History Month. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. A flight attendant, like a pilot has the ability to go through KCM by scanning their KCM badge, flashing their badge as you say to verify the screen matches the badge in front of them, and showing an additional verification of ID, passport or FAA airman card. When youre randomly checked five or six times in a row, its easy to cop a tude. Battery-powered electronic smoking devices, such as "e-cigarettes, e-cigs, e-cigars, e-pipes, e-hookahs, personal vaporizers, electronic nicotine delivery systems," can be brought as carry-on items only. Some times 10 or 15 TSA screeners at the same time. And those are not small. I use KCM and live in a base. If your crew-member record is SPOTLESS, your random screening should be much much less. lost an engine, no hydraulics, a decompression, or worse) onboard your next flight and YOU need the assistance of a Flight Attendant to save your life or that of a loved one! I would propose that any crew member intentionally engaging in this activity, once caught and verified, be terminated immediately and banned from any job in transport, prosecuted and given an exhorbitant fine, say $100,000. Security is fine as long as they make it quick for working crew membersthere isn't a pilot or flight attendant anywhere in the world who would be willing to wake-up 3 to 4 hours early on their already too short layovers. Prohibited items: Firearms & Ammunition, including realistic replicas. There should be employee TSA entrance, no sense of having crews who show up last minute, which is understandable not having an employee entrance. Your password can't be a commonly used password. Why not just revoke the flight attendants privileges and keep KCM for pilots? And as you put it yourself, FAs are 'impoverished'. Did you mean minutes? Yeah, like pilots dont smuggle things in either smh! Yesterday when I went through TSA pre-check, i beeped walking through the detector even though I had nothing in my pockets or that I was wearing that should have beeped Im a flight attendant and Ive been random 18 times out of 22 since I started counting in January. Maybe you should check YOUR attitude! - you would really have more "professionals" and those are less likely to abuse the system. My cousin is a flight attendant that flys internationally from South America to the United States. So, like with just about everything else good, a few ruin it for the majority. Deny entry and inform the crewmember/s, as applicable, that they are not authorized through the KCM access point. Thank you to the wonderful TSA for wasting everyones time and making the lives of hard working crew members harder while decreasing safety at the same time. Responsibilities Conduct administrative duties and errands as required Worrying about wait times and passenger volume is what our management is for. On the one hand, I've spent the last 16 years+ working for TSA. Cry for us. The TSO will match the identification to the crewmembers appearance and confirm the crewmembers identity and current employment status via the KCM system. 1) Its pretty insulting to trash the time & money spent. As of publication, at least 922 crew members have been infected and at least 11 have died from COVID-19. Yes, I am furious. I do agree that some Flight Attendants have ruined it a lot by doing wrong but if they cancel the program and don't provide an alternative you'll see the number of Flight Attendants dropping drastically because none of us would go stand for 3-4 hours in TSA and then at the gate without getting paid. Known Crewmember is a risk-based screening system that enables TSA security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of flight crewmembers. Its not just flight attendants fault khaki pants and white sneakers boy. Their union fought for this they should be allowed to keep it. I don't think any pilot would try to bring a family member through KCM when they understand that it just doesn't work that way. When all of the flights are getting delayed, people will be wishing KCM was back. If the investigation does not result in a regulatory finding, KCM privileges will be restored when the investigation is closed. Most crew have known for YEARS NOW that the TSA has done a piss-poor job of screening. Airline pilot here. Are they really catching crew members with drugs? Standards - out the window. Flight attendants are first responders..they are highly trained professionals.even if some refuse to acknowledge it. The 282-ton . Central American Airways Flying Services Inc. since most smuggling takes place internationally, why doesnt immigration have people go through machines when entering the US? Sponsored by ALPA and Airlines for America. The program expedites flight crewmember access to sterile areas of airports, reduces passenger screening line congestion, enhances security, and makes airport checkpoint screening more efficient for all who depend on air transportation. But if they find drugs they have to alert authorities. %%EOF Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. Its fine. You walk on your own to TSA Pre and wait in line with everyone else. Recently I was behind a FA in line to go thru themetal detectorsSHe rang 4 times so they just said go thru no problem.. It gets Americans used to standing in line while goons grope you - welcome to our increasing police state. However, keep in mind it is not just F/A's who have been known to smuggle items or take advantage of the benefit. The way I type indicates that I'm a bum and have a busted vehicle? CBP is a little different here but TSA is definitely a lot of entry level type people just looking at a x ray machine doing what they were trained, like robots. It's not about logistics. It aint gonna happen. Yes, we expect, when we get to kcm that we will just be able to walk through and it is a disappointment when we cant. The MANY should not be punished, just because of the FEW. The first step should be eliminating flight attendants from any expedited screening program. Once registered, you may begin using the barcode card at any active KCM access point. But as federal employees they are obligated by duty and law to report violations of other federal/state laws when it comes to their attention - such as finding illegal narcotics while screening for WEI. Also when is the last time you saw a TSA agent screened when going through a checkpoint . Q: What should I do if the TSA cannot validate my identity and employment status at the KCM access point? Absolutely no verification of credentials or inspection of personal items. How many pounds of illegal drugs have TSA agents detected and confiscated since their inception? And how might a TSA random screening have prevented the German wings incident? Your password can't be one that you've used previously. Do you know how early we have to arrive to be on time and not get paid? The flight cannot leave or even be boarded without a full compliment of FAA mandated cabin crew. Cops, firefighters and paramedics are first responders. I got secondary screening and they did it right there at the crew line (which they do in other countries) they just wipe your hands and suitcase and test it. Flights can board with/without pilots..however, a flight cannot board without the flight attendants. Please remember you said this when YOU have a medical emergency or a general emergency (ie. TSOs are directed toadvisecrewmembers utilizing the KCM access points of the following procedures that arenotallowed. Crewmembers may not transit the KCM portal with any TSA prohibited items. Known Crew Members (KCM) Lanes KCM ties airline employee databases together in a seamless way and enables Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of crew members. Ukraine Prohibited and Restricted Items FedEx Cross Border is unable to ship prohibited and non-approved restricted items on behalf of its customers.

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known crew member prohibited items

known crew member prohibited items