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Especially in some of the other photos I saw online.Horrendous tragedy. No Rommi is the oldest. Millie McCormack. Rosemary LaBianca's granddaughter, Ariana Wolk, 40, was stabbed to death July 3, 2020, in her Denver apartment. Then Suzan befriends Sharon Tate's sister, ok on the surface may not be odd but Suzan tells Tex Watson this? On August 1969, four members of the cult were directed by Charles Manson to kill everyone at the home of Valley of the Dolls actress Tate and director Roman Polanski (who was away filming during the murder). Very beautiful girl. Manson family members, from left, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten and Charles "Tex" Watson are pictured in 1969 and more recently in prison. * CHARLES (TEX) WATSON, 48: An A student in Texas, he was the most brutal of the Tate-LaBianca killers. She visited him at the California Mens Colony in San Luis Obispo and soon was convinced of his remorse and sincerity. // -->,

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