Top 10 Natural Pest Control Treatments
Pest infestation on your garden can be a serious threat to your plants. Some people do ignore them thinking that they will eventually go away.
If you have any challenges in dealing with pests then you should not worry and there are so many ways on how you can control them. One of the best ways is using the natural method which cannot harm your plants or you.
Top 10 Natural Pest Control Treatments
1. Using Garlic and chili
Using a garlic or chili spray has been found to be effective especially for small sucking insects for instance caterpillars and aphids. Natural pest control products like garlic and chili are really working great. To make this spray you must combine crushed chili and garlic with one tablespoon of vegetable oil and soap flakes. Allow it to soak the whole night before you strain and spray on your plants.
2. Lapsang Sounchong tea
In case the possums have attacked your plants then you can brew hombre rolex air king 116900 movimiento mecanico automatico caja de 40 mm esfera negra Lapsang Sounchong tea and spray this mixture on your plants. You must know that the possums will not stand the stuff. All the possums will not stand the smell of mothballs or camphor blocks, therefore, you can hang it.
3. Eucalyptus oil
4. Molasses
- You have to mix 2 tablespoons of molasses with 2 liters of hot water before you add liquid soap. Due to its stickness, it’s able to repel against all moths and brassica butterflies.
- In case there are any caterpillars on the plants that you spray they will soon start to drop off.
5. Sticky yellow traps
Best used in attracting and killing aphids and whitefly. You must coat yellow strips of boards of any object which is waterproof with double-sided tape, glue or oil and hang it at your garden. The bright yellow color is meant to attract insects which get stuck once they step on this surface.
6. Vinegar
Having a weak solution of vinegar can assist in controlling caterpillars and chewing beetles. Just take this mixture of vinegar and spray all over the stem and leaves of the affected plants.
You must not use a stronger mixture since it can harm your plants. In addition to this, you should spray this mixture on dull days or in the evening since when you spray during the day your plants can be burned.
7. Pyrethrum
- To make your own mixture, you have to pick flowers when they are full bloom.
- Dry them in a cool and dry place before you grind them using a mortar and pestle. Use it immediately before it loses its potency and stores the rest in a freezer.
- To make the solution you must mix the 2 tablespoons of pyrethrum power with 2 liters of water and allow it to steep for about 4 hours.
- You can then add about 1 litre of liquid soap before you spray on your plants.
8. DIY ant bait
You have to mix one cup of sugar, one teaspoon of borax and one litre of wholesale cheap loewe sunglasses water. Soak cotton balls in this solution and place it in a small container which has some holes punched on it for the ants to access it.
Place your container in the areas where the ants are. The ants will then carry these bait to their colonies which can finally kill all of them.
9. Catnip
Catnip is one of the best natural pest control repellents which you can use in controlling cockroaches. This nepetalactone is non-toxic to pets and humans which makes it possible for you to spray in any areas in your house where are cockroaches.
You can also add some water too catnip so that you can apply it in areas behind the counters and baseboards. You should use it in your home if you do not have a cat.