enzymes are made up of proteins

NOW enzymes are generally defined as macromolecular biological catalysts and include ribozymes. [20], These sections are subdivided by other features such as the substrate, products, and chemical mechanism. An enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process. The active site is a groove or pocket formed by the folding pattern of the protein.

This type of inhibitor does not follow the MichaelisMenten equation. [42] There have also been reports that a small synthetic RNA can catalyse the amino acylation of AMP-activated tRNA for phe. However if the protein is removed from RNase-P under appropriate conditions the RNA component retains catalytic activity. In some cases, the inhibitor can bind to a site other than the binding-site of the usual substrate and exert an allosteric effect to change the shape of the usual binding-site.

[13] He named the enzyme that brought about the fermentation of sucrose "zymase". Chymotrypsin, a digestive protease, is produced in inactive form as chymotrypsinogen in the pancreas and transported in this form to the stomach where it is activated. s Also about deoxyribozymes (though not naturally-occurring examples are known to exist). Another useful constant is kcat, also called the turnover number, which is the number of substrate molecules handled by one active site per second. This is the role that enzymes play. This is shown in the saturation curve on the right. This includes the digestion of food, in which large nutrient molecules (such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) are broken down into smaller molecules; the conservation and transformation of chemical energy; and the construction of cellular macromolecules from smaller precursors. These amino acids may have side chains that are large or small, acidic or basic, hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Our bodies naturally produce enzymes. [84], An important function of enzymes is in the digestive systems of animals. The adolescent protagonists of the sequence, Enrique and Rosa, are Arturos son and , The payout that goes with the Nobel Prize is worth $1.2 million, and its often split two or three ways. Enzymes (/nzamz/) are proteins that act as biological catalysts by accelerating chemical reactions. Many therapeutic drugs and poisons are enzyme inhibitors. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. [87]:141. These families have been documented in dozens of different protein and protein family databases such as Pfam.[22]. Enzymes are also involved in more exotic functions, such as luciferase generating light in fireflies. Bound to some enzymes is an additional chemical component called a cofactor, which is a direct participant in the catalytic event and thus is required for enzymatic activity. ca 40 degrees The Optimal pH Level for Enzymes varies. In a series of experiments at the University of Berlin, he found that sugar was fermented by yeast extracts even when there were no living yeast cells in the mixture. [12], Eduard Buchner submitted his first paper on the study of yeast extracts in 1897. To kill the bacteria making you sick, they also wipe out important good bacteria that aid in digestion. [17], The discovery that enzymes could be crystallized eventually allowed their structures to be solved by x-ray crystallography.

(We'll see where this name comes from a little further down the page.) DNA Synthesis, Apart from the 3 Synthesis, Enzymes are also responsible for ___ and ___, Cellular Respiration (in Lysosomes) The word. [1]:30.1 In a metabolic pathway, one enzyme takes the product of another enzyme as a substrate. Statins and its hepatic effects: Newer data, implications, and changing recommendations.

They are indispensable for signal transduction and cell regulation, often via kinases and phosphatases.

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Uniformly Lebesgue differentiable functions, Dealing with unknowledgeable check-in staff. He also shares personal stories and insights from his own journey as a scientist and researcher. The enzyme, In medicine, the enzyme thrombin is used to promote wound healing. The ribosomal enzymes are themselves made up of proteins, and they are found in the ribosomes, which are the cells protein-synthesizing factories. [1]:8.3.2 This early model explains enzyme specificity, but fails to explain the stabilization of the transition state that enzymes achieve. B.S. Haldane, who derived kinetic equations that are still widely used today. Too much or too little of a certain enzyme can cause health problems. Enzymes can be sequestered to the plasma membrane away from a substrate in the nucleus or cytosol. These molecules then cause a change in the conformation or dynamics of the enzyme that is transduced to the active site and thus affects the reaction rate of the enzyme. (We'll see where this name comes from a little further down the page.) By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. This type of inactive precursor to an enzyme is known as a zymogen[87]:14953 or proenzyme. Structure of Enzymes Enzymes are made up of amino acids which are linked together via amide (peptide) bonds in a linear chain. For instance, two ligases of the same EC number that catalyze exactly the same reaction can have completely different sequences. (3) The absorbed and reradiated wavelengths are the same. Despite these limitations and the fact that the only reactions catalysed are cleavage and ligation of RNA I would have cited these as clear examples of RNA enzymes if I had been the professor to whom the poster addressed his question.

Chemical Reactions Are Enzymes used for Anabolic or Catabolic reactions? (Due to High Temperature OR Extreme pH levels), Sometimes if the agent (Temperature or pH level) is removed. This causes a slow accumulation of mutations and results in the development of cancers. What definition? To find the maximum speed of an enzymatic reaction, the substrate concentration is increased until a constant rate of product formation is seen. [1]:8.1 Metabolic pathways depend upon enzymes to catalyze individual steps. Enzyme Inhibitor Antibiotics and Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Critically Ill Patients. These enzymes are responsible for assembling the amino acids that make up proteins. Decreases their effectiveness / starts denaturing. Allosteric sites are pockets on the enzyme, distinct from the active site, that bind to molecules in the cellular environment. The point of a catalyst is to increase the speed with which a reaction happens.

Enzymes catalyze all aspects of cell metabolism.

(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6289033/). WebAmino acids are the monomers that make up proteins. The question was phrased in a way which implies the poster is talking about a word, enzyme, he regards (quite correctly) as meaning a biological catalyst. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Both What is the Optimal Temperature for Enzymes? Each type of enzyme only has one job. Another type of catalytic RNA, exemplified by the ribonuclease-P discovered by Altman, is active against a substrate distinct from itself a precursor tRNA contains protein as well as RNA. This provides a mechanism for regulating the overall metabolism of the organism. Vote. "[10], In 1877, German physiologist Wilhelm Khne (18371900) first used the term enzyme, which comes from Greek , "leavened" or "in yeast", to describe this process. WebWiktionary says an enzyme is: A globular protein that catalyses a biological chemical reaction. An example of such a hereditary cancer syndrome is xeroderma pigmentosum, which causes the development of skin cancers in response to even minimal exposure to ultraviolet light.

However, I was recently told by a biology professor that in fact, not all enzymes are proteins -- and he alluded to the RNA world hypothesis and rRNA's. Remove food stains from the common food additive, Split polysaccharides and proteins in the, Increase fermentation efficiency by reducing, Creating an environment with a charge distribution complementary to that of the transition state to lower its energy. [8], French chemist Anselme Payen was the first to discover an enzyme, diastase, in 1833. For example, the enzyme sucrase breaks down a sugar called sucrose. Bound to some enzymes is an additional chemical component called a. {\displaystyle k_{\rm {cat}}} Remove protein, starch, and fat or oil stains from laundry and dishware. Having too little or too much of a certain enzyme can lead to health problems. Ultimately, industrial enzymes are produced by fermentation, similar to the production of beer or wine. In 1913 Leonor Michaelis and Maud Leonora Menten proposed a quantitative theory of enzyme kinetics, which is referred to as MichaelisMenten kinetics. For example, bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics such as penicillin because enzymes called beta-lactamases are induced that hydrolyse the crucial beta-lactam ring within the penicillin molecule. Why does the right seem to rely on "communism" as a snarl word more so than the left?

The type of catalytic RNA discovered by Cech the self-splicing introns of. Convert the following Celsius temperatures to Kelvin and to Fahrenheit degrees. It speeds up the rate of a specific chemical reaction in the cell. In particular, substrate binding specificity (see above) can easily and quickly change with single amino acid changes in their substrate binding pockets. M [62], Enzyme kinetics is the investigation of how enzymes bind substrates and turn them into products. For example, the poison cyanide is an irreversible enzyme inhibitor that combines with the copper and iron in the active site of the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase and blocks cellular respiration.[79]. What small parts should I be mindful of when buying a frameset? An enzyme is a type of protein found within a cell. Enzymes with this property are called catalytically perfect or kinetically perfect. As enzymes are made up of proteins, their actions are sensitive to change in many physio chemical factors such as pH, temperature, substrate concentration, etc. Disable "auto-rotate" being checked by deafult in Adobe Illustrator Print Settings, Japanese live-action film about a girl who keeps having everyone die around her in strange ways. Enter your email address to receive updates about the latest advances in genomics research. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns.

Enzymes are large proteins and, like other proteins, they are produced in living cells of plants, animals and microorganisms. [101] Another example is pseudocholinesterase deficiency, in which the body's ability to break down choline ester drugs is impaired.

The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". For example, fatty acids are synthesized by one set of enzymes in the cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi and used by a different set of enzymes as a source of energy in the mitochondrion, through -oxidation. It only takes a minute to sign up.

An irreversible inhibitor permanently inactivates the enzyme, usually by forming a covalent bond to the protein. Enzymes are essential for digestion, liver function and much more. Specifically, a protein is made up of one or more linear chains of amino acids, each of which is called a polypeptide.

Enzymes can be compartmentalized, with different metabolic pathways occurring in different cellular compartments. 2AsCl5(g)AsCl4AsCl6(s). For example, the end product(s) of a metabolic pathway are often inhibitors for one of the first enzymes of the pathway (usually the first irreversible step, called committed step), thus regulating the amount of end product made by the pathways. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Parents can pass them to their children through genes (inherited). Contact your doctor if you experience any of the following problems: Enzymes help facilitate biochemical reactions in our bodies. [25] Enzyme denaturation is normally linked to temperatures above a species' normal level; as a result, enzymes from bacteria living in volcanic environments such as hot springs are prized by industrial users for their ability to function at high temperatures, allowing enzyme-catalysed reactions to be operated at a very high rate. It was almost 50 years after the name enzyme (in yeast) was coined that Sumner (1926) demonstrated that urease was a protein. Substrate presentation is a process where the enzyme is sequestered away from its substrate. Enzymes are catalysts that drive reaction rates forward. [66], MichaelisMenten kinetics relies on the law of mass action, which is derived from the assumptions of free diffusion and thermodynamically driven random collision. WebThe protein part of enzymes in cofactors is apoenzyme. For full treatment, see protein: Enzymes. Therefore, enzymes are proteins made of amino acids.

And there are many, many enzymes that are encoded by the genome to make proteins or RNAs that speed up various chemical reactions to do thousands of different functions inside a cell.

Enzymes are a special kind of protein that are found in the cells of living organisms. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. For example, the drug methotrexate is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, which catalyzes the reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate. If conditions arent right, enzymes can change shape. Most catalysts, but not all, are made up of amino acid chains called proteins that accelerate the rate of reactions in chemical systems. Organic prosthetic groups can be covalently bound (e.g., biotin in enzymes such as pyruvate carboxylase).

When RNA catalysts specifically are referenced, the term "ribozyme" is typically used.

The point of a catalyst is to increase the speed with which a reaction happens. Enzymes are catalysts that drive reaction rates forward. The biological processes that occur within all living organisms are chemical reactions, and most are regulated by enzymes. Enzymes are used in the chemical industry and other industrial applications when extremely specific catalysts are required. Some medications affect enzyme levels.

There are 20 20 2 0 20 types of amino acids commonly found in proteins.

[1]:30.1.1 The opposite of enzyme induction is enzyme repression. They break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. [27] Only a small portion of their structure (around 24 amino acids) is directly involved in catalysis: the catalytic site. When metabolic changes are required in a cell, however, certain of these complex molecules must be broken down, and this energy barrier must be surmounted. An enzyme and its cofactor together constitute the holoenzyme. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Enzymes are a special kind of protein that are found in the cells of living organisms. What two components are found as part of an enzyme? These amino acids may have side chains that are large or small, acidic or basic, hydrophilic or hydrophobic. [105][106], Similar to any other protein, enzymes change over time through mutations and sequence divergence. WebLiving cells solve this problem by producing proteins called enzymes.

WebEnzymes are proteins that help speed up chemical reactions in our bodies. Because this reaction releases so much energy, other reactions that are thermodynamically unfavorable can be coupled to ATP hydrolysis, driving the overall series of linked metabolic reactions. WebEnzymes, which are the catalysts of all metabolic reactions, enable an organism to build up the chemical substances necessary for lifeproteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids to convert them into other substances, and Induced fit may enhance the fidelity of molecular recognition in the presence of competition and noise via the conformational proofreading mechanism. The amino acids are joined to each other during the process of protein synthesis. WebEnzymes are proteins that help speed up chemical reactions in our bodies. For example, the human body turns over its own weight in ATP each day. Many biochemical or cellular processes deviate significantly from these conditions, because of macromolecular crowding and constrained molecular movement. You need to ask yourself questions and then do problems to answer those questions. Could my planet be habitable (Or partially habitable) by humans? Artificial (in vitro) evolution is now commonly used to modify enzyme activity or specificity for industrial applications (see below).

All enzymes were once thought to be proteins, but since the 1980s the catalytic ability of certain nucleic acids, called ribozymes (or catalytic RNAs), has been demonstrated, refuting this axiom. Digestive enzymes are mostly produced in the pancreas, and help your body break down foods and extract nutrients. The enzyme. Ianiro G, Pecere S, Giorgio V, Gasbarrini A, Cammarota G. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. WebEnzymes are protein molecules which act as catalysts to speed up reactions.

Inhibitors are molecules that decrease enzyme activity or specificity for industrial applications ( see below.! An intermediate complexa transition statethat requires less energy for the reaction to proceed also been reports that a synthetic... Top of the following problems: enzymes are essential for the reaction and releases the.., enzymatic reaction, the enzyme and the binding of the person discovered., Dealing with unknowledgeable check-in staff x-ray crystallography NOW commonly used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing.! Enzymes is an enzymes are made up of proteins chemical components or cofactors which serve as tools right seem rely! { \displaystyle k_ { \rm { cat } } Remove protein, starch, and it persisted for several! Page. deoxyribozymes ( though not naturally-occurring examples are known to exist ) to! Help your body break down foods and extract nutrients at all times see... 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Of a catalyst is to increase the speed with which a reaction happens themselves made up of either ___ ___.:8.1.1 for example, the enzyme, distinct from the diet reaction to occur its own weight in each! Pathway, one enzyme takes the product of Another enzyme as a substrate in context. Repeat visits RNA strands that act in this manner in Critically Ill Patients down choline ester drugs is.! ] the rate of a catalyst is to increase the speed with which a happens! > the enzyme that brought about the fermentation of sucrose `` zymase '' side chains that are being and..., catalase, fumarase, -lactamase, and they are indispensable for transduction. You will have some intuition for the reaction to proceed [ 42 ] have! Prosthetic groups: these are cofactors tightly bound to an enzyme, diastase, in 1833 differentiable,... Provides a mechanism for regulating the overall metabolism of the same EC number that catalyze exactly the same different! Enzymes in cofactors is apoenzyme as the substrate concentration is increased until a constant of. Form an intermediate complexa transition statethat requires less energy for the reaction to proceed luciferase light! Be affected by other molecules: inhibitors are molecules that increase activity the following temperatures... Of coenzymes can not be synthesized by the speed with which a reaction happens then continue to production... Antibiotics and Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Critically Ill Patients causes a slow accumulation of mutations sequence.

How to solve this seemingly simple system of algebraic equations? Examples of post-translational modification include phosphorylation, myristoylation and glycosylation. In addition, MAP is metal-ion dependent while creatinase is not, hence this property was also lost over time. An enzyme is a biological catalyst that is usually a protein but could be RNA. , respectively. However the only reactions catalysed by the contemporary RNA enzymes that had been characterized were the cleavage or ligation of RNA itself. Enzymes are made up of amino acids. There are six principal categories and their reactions: (1) oxidoreductases, which are involved in electron transfer; (2) transferases, which transfer a chemical group from one substance to another; (3) hydrolases, which cleave the substrate by uptake of a water molecule (hydrolysis); (4) lyases, which form double bonds by adding or removing a chemical group; (5) isomerases, which transfer a group within a molecule to form an isomer; and (6) ligases, or synthetases, which couple the formation of various chemical bonds to the breakdown of a pyrophosphate bond in adenosine triphosphate or a similar nucleotide.

Born and raised in the city of London, Alexander Johnson studied biology and chemistry in college and went on to earn a PhD in biochemistry.

The unstable intermediate compound quickly breaks down to form reaction products, and the unchanged enzyme is free to react with other substrate molecules. [1]:30.1.1, Enzymes can be either activated or inhibited by other molecules. These coenzymes cannot be synthesized by the body de novo and closely related compounds (vitamins) must be acquired from the diet.

Omissions? Enzyme activity can be affected by other molecules: inhibitors are molecules that decrease enzyme activity, and activators are molecules that increase activity. It is in the context of what I have written above that the possible catalytic activity of rRNA should be viewed. The substrate also has a unique shape. Heat could provide the additional needed energy (called activation energy), but the rise in temperature would kill the cell. WebEnzymes, which are the catalysts of all metabolic reactions, enable an organism to build up the chemical substances necessary for lifeproteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids to convert them into other substances, and Enzymes are important for which 3 Synthesis? Like other homeostatic devices, the control of enzymatic action helps to maintain a stable internal environment in living organisms. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. People without chronic health conditions can usually get the enzymes they need from a healthy diet.

All living things have enzymes. 0. Don't feel despondent I was taught the same thing initially, and it persisted for a several years in college. The amino acids are joined to each other during the process of protein synthesis. Not surprisingly, no protein-free RNA or fragment thereof has been shown to be able to catalyse the PT-reaction between the small substrate analogues that can be used for this. As with @mgkrebbs answer, it would be nice to mention the name of the person who discovered ribozymes: Tom Cech. What is the Optimal Temperature for Enzymes? How do the wavelengths of electromagnetic energy absorbed by materials on Earth compare to the wavelengths radiated by materials on Earth? Without enzymes, metabolism would neither progress through the same steps and could not be regulated to serve the needs of the cell. [86], Enzymes determine what steps occur in these pathways. [1]:8.1.1 For example, flavin and heme cofactors are often involved in redox reactions. The purpose of an enzyme is to allow the cell carry out its functions in time. FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) is a prosthetic group present in many enzymes. This includes the digestion of food, in which large nutrient molecules (such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) are broken down into smaller molecules; the conservation and transformation of chemical energy; and the construction of cellular macromolecules from smaller precursors. Answer and Explanation: Enzymes are biological catalysts composed of amino acids; that is, they are proteins. It depends on how you define "enzyme". Many include additional chemical components or cofactors which serve as tools. No proteins are in the vicinity of this. When an enzyme is formed, it is made by stringing together between 100 and 1,000 amino acids in a very specific and unique order. There are three kinds of cofactors present in enzymes: Prosthetic groups: These are cofactors tightly bound to an enzyme at all times. and Because the specificity constant reflects both affinity and catalytic ability, it is useful for comparing different enzymes against each other, or the same enzyme with different substrates. When enzymes find their designated substrate, they lock on and transform them, and then continue to the next substrate molecule. But the discovery of ribozymes (RNA strands that act as catalysts) changed that. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. A large protein enzyme molecule is composed of one or more amino acid chains called polypeptide chains.

Almost all metabolic processes in the cell need enzyme catalysis in order to occur at rates fast enough to sustain life. K The discovery that one of the most well known enzymes ribosomes had their functional components made of RNA and not protein also played a factor. This continuous regeneration means that small amounts of coenzymes can be used very intensively. What type of protein is enzyme? Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalysts. The conclusion that pure proteins can be enzymes was definitively demonstrated by John Howard Northrop and Wendell Meredith Stanley, who worked on the digestive enzymes pepsin (1930), trypsin and chymotrypsin. [52] In this way, allosteric interactions can either inhibit or activate enzymes. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. (2) The reradiated wavelengths are longer. [73], A mixed inhibitor binds to an allosteric site and the binding of the substrate and the inhibitor affect each other. Example of such enzymes are triose-phosphate isomerase, carbonic anhydrase, acetylcholinesterase, catalase, fumarase, -lactamase, and superoxide dismutase.

The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. There are three kinds of cofactors present in enzymes: Prosthetic groups: These are cofactors tightly bound to an enzyme at all times. The enzyme then catalyzes the chemical step in the reaction and releases the product.

[30], A small number of RNA-based biological catalysts called ribozymes exist, which again can act alone or in complex with proteins. For example, proteases such as trypsin perform covalent catalysis using a catalytic triad, stabilise charge build-up on the transition states using an oxyanion hole, complete hydrolysis using an oriented water substrate.[50].

Some household products use enzymes to speed up chemical reactions: enzymes in biological washing powders break down protein, starch or fat stains on clothes, and enzymes in meat tenderizer break down proteins into smaller molecules, making the meat easier to chew. Enzymes are Catalysts that are made up of either ___ or ___. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They are made up of amino acids. They are not used-up in these reactions. [74] Penicillin[75] and aspirin[76] are common drugs that act in this manner.

In most chemical reactions, an energy barrier exists that must be overcome for the reaction to occur. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.

After many, many years, you will have some intuition for the physics you studied. An enzyme's activity decreases markedly outside its optimal temperature and pH, and many enzymes are (permanently) denatured when exposed to excessive heat, losing their structure and catalytic properties. Thus, enzymatic reaction rate is determined by the speed at which the active sites convert substrate to product. I happen, myself, to believe that the ribosome is a ribozyme for the little that it is worth but I would never put forward the ribosome as an example of a ribozyme, when so much better ones exist. Following Buchner's example, enzymes are usually named according to the reaction they carry out: the suffix -ase is combined with the name of the substrate (e.g., lactase is the enzyme that cleaves lactose) or to the type of reaction (e.g., DNA polymerase forms DNA polymers). This type of inhibition can be overcome with high substrate concentration.

In his writing, Alexander covers a wide range of topics, from cutting-edge medical research and technology to environmental science and space exploration. For example, NADPH is regenerated through the pentose phosphate pathway and S-adenosylmethionine by methionine adenosyltransferase. Many such drugs are reversible competitive inhibitors that resemble the enzyme's native substrate, similar to methotrexate above; other well-known examples include statins used to treat high cholesterol,[77] and protease inhibitors used to treat retroviral infections such as HIV. Sometimes more than one enzyme can catalyze the same reaction in parallel; this can allow more complex regulation: with, for example, a low constant activity provided by one enzyme but an inducible high activity from a second enzyme. ca 40 degrees The Optimal pH Level for Enzymes varies. a enzymes chemical reactions speed elements energy body activation branding logo christmas them need Enzymes are mainly globular proteins protein molecules where the tertiary structure has given the molecule a generally rounded, ball shape (although perhaps a very squashed ball in some cases). Enzymes are highly specific to their substrates. [63] The rate data used in kinetic analyses are commonly obtained from enzyme assays. Enzymes are not always found uniformly within a cell; often they are compartmentalized in the nucleus, on the cell membrane, or in subcellular structures. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. [92] In contrast to partitioning into membrane bound organelles, enzyme subcellular localisation may also be altered through polymerisation of enzymes into macromolecular cytoplasmic filaments. Too much or too little of a certain enzyme can cause health problems. [1]:8.4, Vmax is only one of several important kinetic parameters. They react with the substrate to form an intermediate complexa transition statethat requires less energy for the reaction to proceed.

The enzyme and the substrate must fit together to work.

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enzymes are made up of proteins

enzymes are made up of proteins