similarities between deontology and consequentialism
Or is it the consequences that the agent intended to occur? I know normative ethics is traditionally divided into 3 main branches: deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics. Who is to decide what consequence is right in this case? The tables and their specific organization are my contribution. What is the Difference Between Deontology and Consequentialism, Difference Between Deontology and Consequentialism. The victim of force is the one who suffers most directly and obviously from it. I personally think that his second formulation of the CI is not equivalent to, or logically entailed by, his first. I will describe all of them briefly, then describe each one of them in more detail, pointing out their defining features and major variants. Is there any name for this view? <<26F20D2A46B1B2110A0010FD9ACEFC7F>]/Prev 414609>> This is due to the particularly destructive nature of force to the lives of individuals other than the perpetrator. Heres the link for your convenience: Act consequentialist theories can be dividedby the sort of consequences that are relevant to the evaluation of an act. The slave-holding South was stagnant and poor compared to the free North just before the American Civil War. All human thought and actions must be organized around some sort of reality-based purpose. For virtue ethicists, eudaimonia is not a logically distinct consequence of being virtuous, but in fact consists of being virtuous. 0000001673 00000 n
Objectivism holds that rights can only be violated by an initiation of force, (direct or indirect.) The dictator uses false ideas to justify his initiations of force, so that people will accept roles as cronies and/or victims, rather than fighting back. Thus, this is a non-consequential theory as the decision of whether an act is good or bad does not depend on its consequence. This self-esteem is acquired through the judgmentexplicit or implicitthat one is capable of achieving happiness, and the knowledge that one fully intends to pursue that goal. So, for example, Aristotle believed that courage was a virtue and was a mean between the vices of cowardice and rashness. Overall, Kantian Deontologists state that the right action performed or the state of affairs that led to the right action are good, while the fact that the action was done in accordance with the set rules is right. Thus, any individual who wants to initiate force will need to attempt to manipulate the beliefs of others so that they do not all attack him, as their rationalinterests would dictate. However, both contain key factors that make each idea unique and different. It is not a superficial habit or routine, but permeates every aspect of a persons character, including his emotions, desires and intuitions. They encompass many particular careers, hobbies, relationships and lifestyles. It could be said that both theories arrive at the same conclusion but through the way of different paths. Imagine a man and a woman live separately on a large, fertile island, with no other humans around. Are practices that produce less goodness wrongpractices, or merely sub-optimal but permissible rightpractices? However, Deontology judges morality based on the actions themselves, while Consequentialism judges morality based on the end reaction. OEE was developed by Ayn Rand, and further explicated by philosophers such as Leonard Peikoff, Harry Binswanger, Tara Smith, Darryl Wright, Allan Gotthelf and Gregory Salmieri. OEE isaimed at the goal of the life of the individual agent. But what of slavery? Like its previously-mentioned counterpart, it focuses on conduct, but there is a minor difference between deontology and consequentialism in this case. Virtue ethics, on the other hand, is considered more of a normative ethical theory. Objectivism holds that the initiation of physical force is a choice that is destructive to human life in principle, and thus evil in principle. She would be driven to resent the existence of the man who was the worse match for her. Competition for profit in the market is how the lions share of progress has been made in methods and technology of production. Deontology is a normative ethical theory that focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions themselves, instead of focusing its consequences or any other considerations. The initiator of force must pursue the opposite of self-interest: a growing obsession with the minds and lives of others. This contrasts sharply with Ayn Rands understanding of the rational egoist as the independent-minded producer of values. In this case, it ismostly overt ideological propaganda, rather than covertdeception.
The goal is some state of the world, or some state of human minds, that does not itself involve human actions. As the word suggests, it concentrates on the consequences, irrespective of the intention. This pleasure is also called subjective happiness. So a common statement encapsulating utilitarianism is that it advocates for the greatest happiness of the greatest number. In this theory, pain is held to be a negation of pleasure, so it would be counted as subtracting fromaggregate pleasure. This function of pleasure minus pain is generally called utility.. Deontology and consequentialism are two contrasting, normative ethical theories that determine the People can have preferences for the physical pain of self and others (masochism and sadism), as well as the emotional pain of self and others (self-sacrifice and hatred/schadenfreude.) Theres a wealth of resources on Objectivism listed on my Books and Links page, as well as at the ARI eStore. So she acts onjustice. 0000002175 00000 n
More importantly, deontology doesnt focus on the consequences of action, whereas consequentialism mainly focuses on the consequences. Here, you are demonstrating a deontological position as you are disregarding the possible consequences of your actions when determining what is right and what is wrong. To know how to live as the kind of organism one is, one must know both how to acquire knowledge, and what sort of organism one is. Yet all true principles can potentially be helpful in supporting and enhancing an individuals life. That which promotes the individuals own life overall is the good for him, that which damages or destroys his own life is the bad for him. The paragraphs below explain the differences between these three theories with examples. The fundamental need of reason should be clear from what wasdiscussed earlier about human nature. Good recreation provides what Ayn Rand called spiritual fuel: It helps provide one with the psychological motivation to continue pursuing values in general. It could be said that both theories arrive at the same conclusion but through the way of different paths. %%EOF She suggested that the ethical theories of the Ancient Greeks, such as those of Plato and Aristotle, could bethe most plausible and satisfactory ones, once they were more theoretically developed. So it hasnt been explored, labeled and categorized to the degree that consequentialism and deontology have. WebThe main difference between deontology and consequentialism is that deontology focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions themselves. There are different forms of consequentialism; utilitarianism and hedonism are two such main forms. On the other side, the initiator of force may suffer less obviously and immediately, but he still suffers. Consequentialism is the where the outcome of an act has a major influence and not the actual act itself. So long as he has any contact with others, the initiator of forcemust turnhis mind away from the task ofunderstanding the world firsthandand toward the task of manipulating the mental processesof others. Whereas, consequentialism focuses on the consequences of the action. Graph of World Poverty Rate, (absolute) 1970-2006, Ethical Theories Summarized & Explained: Consequentialism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and Objectivist EthicalEgoism, Whatever the form of initiatory force, the perpetrator radically breaks the harmony of rational interests, turning the whole rest of mankind into his enemies. 7-6-17: Added italicized summation sentences to the introductions of the theories. To the extent that an individual attempts to gain values by force, he generates an inherent conflict within his chosen means of survival, making it self-undermining. For deontology, look up the relevant thinkers, like Kant, Ross and Nozick, as well as the entry on Deontological Ethics. Such an egoist produces genuine benefitsfor himself, as his goaland for others, as a side-product of his pursuit of his goal. Lets say theres a young woman who has studied Objectivism and who wants to become an architect. Irrationality is willfully turning away from facts and logic as ones guides to action. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. One should avoid contradictions in ones thinking, since holding contradictory beliefs is the violation of reason. The victims judgment about who owns the money, and his plans on what to do with it, have been violated. Such a ban victimizes both employers and potential employees. So he is driven to build up a personal mythology that paints him as superhuman and infallible, heedless of the actual facts of his life.
Intermediate in degree between these two examples, you have cases like the minimum wage, where the government bans working for pay below a certain amount. North Korea is much poorer and more stagnant than South Korea. Then again, if she does not tell him, it may be mentally traumatic for him to know whether he is going to live or die. rev2023.4.5.43379. It focuses on identifying the moral conduct through which the right actions can be carried out and happiness can be maximized. In the US, agricultural researchwas almost completelyprivate, in the Soviet Union, it was almost all governmental.). Bernie Madoff is a classic example of a desperately anxious and unhappy criminal. Or is it all humans except the agent?
(4) So, as Kant himself admitted, this would mean that if a criminal comes to your door, holds a knife to your throat and asks you where your daughter is so he can kidnap and rape her, you would be obligated to either tell him the truth or remain silent. His thinking with respect to that money has been rendered impotent by the force of the robber. (These different sorts of consequences could be called different epistemic statuses.). Thus, this theory simply requires people to follow rules and do their duty. ), Virtue ethical theories can be divided into those thatare universalist and those thatare culturally contextualist. You believe that lying is a bad action, no matter the results; therefore, you would tell that you hate it even if you are hurting your friend. There is no justification for dividing yours by his to come up with 0.5 units for yourself, relative to his 1. WebConsequentialism and Deontological theories are two of the main theories in ethics. Virtue ethics is a philosophical approach to ethics that is primarily concerned with the persons character rather than duties as the key element for attaining an individuals fulfillment. This sort of deontology is most oftendiscussedand advocated by academic libertarians, both right and left. This cycle builds on itself and is repeated in a progressive, escalating fashion. Cant the man keep the woman alive and extract value from her that way? Deontology. Ethics Unwrapped, Available here. WebDeontology and Consequentialism can be extremely similar philosophical views as they focus on doing the greater good. Consequentialism is a category that includes those ethical theories that judge human practices as morally right or wrong based on their consequences. Those acts that could be seen to violate the Categorical Imperative were morally prohibited, regardless of any good consequences that might be gained from committing them, or any bad consequences that might be avoided by committing them. In practice, they generally do all overlap and I'd guess there are many attempts to formalize such an approach. You have agoal of ethical action, and the actions themselves that are means to that goal. The main difference between deontology and consequentialism is that deontology focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions themselves, whereas consequentialism focuses on the consequences of the action. Are actual consequences the relevant factor? ], Values Are Relational, But Not Subjective, Other People as Egoistic Values Versus Other People as Objects of Self-Sacrifice in Ayn Rands Philosophy, Why Selfishness Doesnt Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others, A Refutation of G.E. According to the definition of deontology in ethics, it focuses more on obligation, duty, or ideal expectations. So they couldnt earn genuine self-esteem. According to Objectivism, these values are the fundamental goals one should pursue. WebThe main difference between deontology and consequentialism is that deontology focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions themselves. WebIn deontological ethics an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. The brute alone on a large island with a captive slave, whom he has cowed into submission by sheer force, has diverted his mind from the task of survival to the task of controlling the slaves mind through fear. The character traits that combine under auspiciousconditions to produce eudaimonia. One should not do things that destroy ones ability to reason, such as abusing drugs or alcohol, or accepting things on sheer blind faith. (13) This can be achieved to a small extent by compartmentalization on the part of the victims: They largely operate based on facts in the sphere of production, while accepting faith and feelings in the realm of morality and politics. The characteristic and necessary mode of human survival, which is self-sustaining action (i.e. Every moment the dictator spends pursuing his own interests or leisure, apart from his political machinations, is a moment his subordinates could use to depose and kill him. WebVIRTUE ETHICS, DEONTOLOGY, AND CONSEQUENTIALISM 4 they are obligatory or not. If someone wants to work, but doesnt have the skills to justify a wage at or above the minimum, then the government prevents them from accepting a job at a wage an employer will pay. So when a true virtue ethicist is asked what eudaimonia is, their full answer must include their favoredvirtues as being at least partially constitutive of it. (It should be noted that the distinction between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism was not well defined at the time these philosophers were active. So it is the individuals that matter, and it is in the long-term, rational interests of all the individuals to have highly productive company structures. Observe that the real wages of US factory workers quadrupled during the 1800s and sextupled during the 1900s. Deontology is an ethical theory that states it is possible to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions by examining actions themselves, without focusing on their consequences whereas consequentialism is an ethical theory that states it is possible to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions by examining its consequences. So she shows independence. For any two rational people, the relationships that they have with other people do not destroy the relationship they have with each other. Well, Aristotle didnt think that ethics was an exact science, so he didnt think ethics could answer this directly.
Lets recall the example of the young woman studying architecture. He must devote his time and mental energy to lying and keeping track of his lies. Nor can they survive by sheer emotions, drives and instincts, like other animals do. Ethics Introduction to Ethics: Consequentialism. BBC, Available here.3. The victim of a mugger who gives up fifty dollars is subjected to a relatively small degree of force. Shes ambitious in her coursework, she doesnt try to skate by with the minimum, and she doesnt apologize for her excellence to others who may resent her for making them look bad. So she demonstratespride. On Images of God the Father According to Catholicism? The truth is the friend of the egoist, and he need never fear it. From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, these are: a duty of fidelity, that is, a duty to keep our promises; a duty of reparation or a duty to act to right a previous wrong we have done; a duty of gratitude, or a duty to return services to those from whom we have in the past accepted benefits; a duty to promote a maximum of aggregate good; and finally a duty of non-maleficence, or a duty not to harm others. For consequentialism, those that bring about the best outcome for each individual. What Sort of Ethical Theory is Objectivist Ethical Egoism? Hedonism, in contrast, states something is good if its results produce pleasure or avoid pain. This is wealth creation in action. Rockefeller and Henry Ford to Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos, public sector contributions are relatively small. WebThe main difference between deontology and consequentialism is that deontology focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions themselves. We saw that consequentialism divides ethics into a theory of good consequences and a theory of right action, with right action taken as the means to the good consequences. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In order to throw other people off his trail, the criminal must encourage ignorance and delusion. (Please note here that intellectual goals can serve ones life in very indirect ways, as in many cases of increasing ones knowledge of highly abstract, theoretical topics.) These forms can, however, all be attributed to Kant, although they differ in various ways (Alexander & Moore, 2016, section 2.4). So, for Objectivism, the result and reward of moral actionthe goodinvolvesmore action. They are not genuinely happy or fulfilled people, but paranoid, fear-ridden, and increasingly detached from reality. Consequentialism names a type of ethical theory that judges human practices, like actions or rules, based on their consequences. On the most basic level, humans need some amount of self-esteem for purposeful, life-sustaining action. Under consequentialism, however, an action is right if the consequence is completely good. Deontological ethics holds that at least some acts are morally obligatory regardless of their consequences for human welfare. Thus, this is a non-consequential theory as the decision of whether an act is good or bad does not depend on its consequence. Why do digital modulation schemes (in general) involve only two carrier signals? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This self-sustaining action toward values, building on previous values, is life as a human being. Man has to be manby choice; he has to hold his life as a valueby choice; he has to learn to sustain itby choice; he has to discover the values it requires and practice his virtuesby choice. So here we see that Objectivism identifies eudaimonia with successful and sustainable life. Objectivism holds that three cardinal values are needed by everyone in every waking moment: reason, purpose and self-esteem. Or is it the consequences that were reasonably foreseeable by the agent? When major values are achieved in this way and the process is sustainable and going well, the concomitant psychological state is happiness. If we also switch act consequentialism for virtue consequentialism, we get a category we could call Virtue Utility Egoism. The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus would fit into this category rather nicely, since he regarded the pleasure of the agent as the good, and virtue as instrumental to that pleasure. (Such is the meaning of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.). Yet his power depends on his victims continuing to maintain false beliefs over a long period of time. The political prisoner in a Soviet gulag or Nazi concentration camp is the victim ofa very large degree of force and he is unable to use his mind to further his life. So, for example, Classic Utility Egoism takes the agentsown pleasure as the good. If she tells him, he might be brave enough to face it and spend his last days with his family, which is a good consequence. While the above concepts exhibit certain criteria for morality, the truth is, moral conduct widely depends on circumstances, which is probably why the clich it was all in the moment is actually true. <>stream
If an individual consistently applies these principles in his life, then they can be automatized and can be said to form a basic part of the individuals character. The difference between the two types of theories lies in where the overallfocus of the theory is: duties to self or duties to others. Modern virtue ethics takes inspiration from the moral theories of Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics, (especially Aristotle.) The alternative to the choice to live, according to Objectivism, is to slip into self-destruction. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Are there any resources on this? WebConsequentialism is the theory and/or idea that the morality should be judged on the actions overall outcome or consequences. Are there any sentencing guidelines for the crimes Trump is accused of? Consequentialist theories can be divided into types in threemajorways. Why would I want to hit myself with a Face Flask? Its a veryimportant moral idea in the realm of conventional or common-sense morality, as well as in the practice of other formal theories, such as utilitarianism. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In many deontological theories, motivation by moral duty itselfrather than other factors, like self-interestis essential to an actions being morally right. If we no longer consider classic utility (pleasure minus pain) to be morally good, but instead consider the satisfaction of the preferences of conscious organisms to be good,we get an approximation of Peter Singers contemporary preference utilitarianism. (Peter Singer is a well-known Australian moral philosopher who teaches at Princeton University. In brief, deontology is patient-centered, whereas utilitarianism is society-centered. When Kant says "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law", he avoids the question: "why do I will that some maxims should become universal laws but not others?". OEE accepts no categorical imperatives; all of its principles of action are founded on their contribution to the achievement of values (goals) in the lives of individuals. What should she do in this case? 0000007797 00000 n
Humans survive by pursuing and achievingobjective values. Discuss how Consequentialism is significantly different from Deontology. The result of this course, according to Ayn Rand, is pain, fear, suffering, living death, and a loss of control over ones life that riskspremature, literaldeath. In place of genuine confidence, healthy ego and control of his life, he puts on a false air of confidence, a fake ego (egomania) and he covers up his insecurity with belligerence. Being comatose or in a vegetative state until one dies is not life in the relevant sense, and it cannot be sustained beyond a few days without the intervention of other humans, who are actually living and sustaining themselves as humans. Right action is the means to maximizing this mental state in the agent. To follow the set rules and regulations can be one of the weaknesses and strengths of deontology. In brief, deontology is patient-centered, whereas utilitarianism is society-centered. Three common forms of deontology include the agent-centered, the patient-centered, and the contractualist. Ayn Rand discusses the considerations involved in rational interests, and this example specifically, in more detail in her essay, The Conflicts of Mens Interests, in The Virtue of Selfishness. They had to guard against slaves pursuing their own rational interests, and were forever in fear of slave escapes and rebellions. In short, deontology is a non-consequential theory since the goodness or badness of an action in this theory does not depend on its consequences. He has to keep up appearances for himself, his close associates, the public of his nation, and international observers. Mill, enthusiastically endorsed Auguste Comtes idea that altruismliving for otherswas central to personal morality. Which philosopher maintained that virtue ethics, deontology and consequentialism can be reduced to each other? There is one fundamental virtue, according to Objectivism: rationality. 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