whose vote counts, explained transcript
asustainableusa.org/info/what_is_asusa.html (accessed: August 21, 2009): Already when named the Diversity Alliance this incoherent text appeared on the site as copied here.
Buckleys & Birchers: all historical conservatism is "conservative CIA". welsheimers.com/obits/obituary.php?id=457615 (accessed: March 17, 2019): The David Horowitz Freedom Center was founded in 1988 as the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (renamed in 2006) by David Horowitz and long-time ally Peter Collier. It's an association that continues into the 1990s. It shows real videos of murders, tortures, suicides. Another random quote related to Jew-baiting: It appears the book takes a strong radical Christian-fascist perspective, with liquor store owners, rock "music", Vietnam War protestors and hippies seen as traitors to be hanged if they cause the slightest incovenience.
David Rockefeller was tutored by Friedrich von Hayek - a past recipient of Rockefeller Foundation support - and Lionel Robbins at the London School of Economics (LSE) - a recipient of Rockefeller Foundation support - a decade before the Mont Pelerin Society was founded.
Many other businesses were auctioned off to domestic and foreign owners, often to business families that already owned large swaths of the economy. Bush. Fascinatingly, in September 2018 TruePundit.com peaked around global Alexa rank of 20k, which would roughly give it a U.S. Alexa rank within 5,000.
In addition, "51 percent of the largest 160 firms were effectively controlled by global corporations." The owner took down the site in November 2020. While all conspiracy and Nazi forums are riddled with national security trolls, this type of link is particularly easy to make with Stormfront because its radio show is hosted by Nazi conspiracy disinformation site. They should be allowed to collapse, with more efficient corporations taking over. On the liberal "new left" side the classic examples have been the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations - today supplemented with Open Society (Soros), Bill & Melinda Gates, NoVo (Warren Buffett) and many others.
Friedman might be cutting a few corners here. It most consistently donated to the Heritage Foundation, which was co-founded by the Coors family in 1973; followed by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Turns out, the VVD was founded in January 1948, months after the creation of the Mont Pelerin Society, its founding principles strongly based on Hayek's neoliberal theories (direct ties with Mont Pelerin are unknown). Career at Shell, headed by Bilderberg and Chase Manhattan Bank international council member John Loudon, 1960-1976. *) Jackson and Cline were both involved in the American Security Council. This type of thinking, while it has its merits, is just shocking in its primitivity. Throughout this time, the National Alliance, in no small part due to Pierce 1978 novel. January 21, 2013, totalfascism, 'The Truth About the Truth Movement: A List of Shills (abridged)': January 23, 2013, totalfascism.com, 'Gordon Duff of Veterans Today Caught Openly Manufacturing Fake News, Libeling Mike Delaney'.
The Center has been attacked by liberal establishment outlets while having been referred to by President. Just because John Birchers, Fox News and the Chicago School of economists often say so, doesn't mean that liberals and socialists actually are "communists" and "collectivists". [All the while] the more extreme fears [of Nixon, Henry Kissinger and allies] about the effects of Allende's election were ill-founded: there never was a significant threat of a Soviet military presence [and] the "export" of Allende's revolution was limited". October 20, 2020, Dan Bongino Show, 'Ben Shapiro: I Didn't Vote for Trump in 2016, But Here's Why I Will This Year'. Arizona is more of a cops and prosecutors state.
Make no mistake, Rense.com is a Nazi site. Shawshank Parole Board Member: Your files say youve served 40 years of a life sentence. Endowment of $150 million in 2014.
Key administration officials as secretaries of state, defense secretaries and national security advisors - namely Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, General Mike Flynn and John Bolton - have demonstrated ties to the Hoover Institution, American Enterprise Institute and other elements of the pro-Israel neocon network, complete with recommendations from Bush era administration officials. DiscoverTheNetworks.org itself, however, is a creation of the historically. His successor, Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister since 2010, turned around and became a champion of Europe, the lowering of CO2, and massive Third World immigration by signing the UN Migration Pact: November 9, 2018, NOS (YouTube upload), 'PREMIER {Rutte]: Kabinet positief over migratiepact van Marrakech'. That is, according to information obtained by Senator John DeCamp. In May 2017 he even was invited to become a co-host of the. April 2, 2018, Times of Israel, 'Netanyahu: 16,250 migrants to resettle in 'developed countries,' rest will stay; PM says 'political difficulties' prevented intended deportation to Uganda and Rwanda, brought about new deal with UN; vows to rehabilitate south Tel Aviv': "The government said it had scrapped a controversial plan to deport African migrants and replaced it with a new one, quietly negotiated with the UN, that would see thousands sent to Western countries. Initial Mont Pelerin Society members in 1947 and Ludwig von Mises' particular extremism: 2008, Alfred S. Regnery, 'Upstream: The Ascendance of American Conservatism', pp. Minister of defense of Slovenia 1990-1994, June-November 2000. It's not productive and strongly plays into the "Islamophobia" and (irrational) "xenophobia" narrative that the dominant liberal establishment likes to push. George H.W. Moore's "intelligence" ties remain vague though. Unemployment? Close to top neocon James Woolsey, the former CIA director, through shared membership of the advisory boiard of ACT! Black neighborhoods/ghettos are not searched for weapons, with the government and media explaining that it is primarily "racists" who hide their weapons. 1991, Ellen Sue Blakey, 'To the Waters and the Wild: Petroleum Geology 1918 to 1941': ". It seems to have no desire to rationally bring up. Executive director of the Center since 1995 has been Mark Krikorian, a contributor to the National Review. Earned all his degrees at Columbia University and did most of his teaching there. The Olin Foundation is defunct now, but a good number of others have picked up this gap, most notably the Mercer Family Foundation, which played an important role in bringing Donald Trump to power in 2016. When a man out on parole killed three people, the public called on the governor to fire the board. Foundation set up in 1998 by Daniel C. Searle, the CEO and president of G. D. Searle & Co 1970-1977, and chairman 1977-1985. Maybe Dolly can help figure out why it matters that a former parole board member had a mule skinning grandpa. So did the anti-Vietnam War protests and partly all the CIA investigations of the 1970s, all of which helped shift public attitude towards the left. Took part in retalatory operations against civilian Palestinian targets in 1953 as the founder of Unit 101, at the orders of David Ben-Gurion.
The still very unknown Geert Wilders, Holland's leading anti-Muslim "populist" candidate from 2006 to 2018, was a low-level protege of Bolkestein in the 1990s - and over the years quietly received key funding through the Jewish neocon David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Middle East Forum, which in turn are financed by "conservative CIA" foundations as Scaife and Bradley. I caught flak for that.
The dangers of this lack of sunshine became clear in Missouri in 2017. Well, here they are. In early 1998 he broke the Lewinsky Scandal by reporting that Newsweek was sitting on a story of Bill Clinton's affair with a White House intern - forcing Newsweek to publish the story. Prisons would be safer, wardens jobs would be easier, and people would go home more stable and commit fewer crimes. The rich stay rich, the poor remain poor.
In 1932, at age 20, Friedman was picked up at Rutgers University by Burns, a visiting professor from Columbia University who was 8 years his senior. In 1986-1987 he would help promote Netanyahu's subsequent anti-terrorism book to wealthy conservative fundraisers. Finance expert Ramit Sethi works with people across the US to help them achieve their richest lives. Downloads only available on ad-free plans.
Seems to be heavily penalized by Google, looking at how hard it is to get any of its information to pop up in the search engine. Decidedly neocon in its "Public Policy" financing.
barnesreview.org/Conference/: (accessed: December 2, 2003): barnesreview.org/Conference/ (accessed: December 8, 2002): barnesreview.org/Conference/ (accessed: June 24, 2001): William Pierce (1933-2002) was a top figure in the American Nazi movement from the 1970s until his death in 2002. Because they seem to be the same thing. When Allende decided to fully nationalize these copper companies in 1971, there were worries about a U.S. response, but no one in congress protested. Senior Advisor to the President Jan. 2017-. Apart from overlap through NGOs, the ties between Shultz, Kissinger, Rockefeller and James Woolsey still are a bit fuzzy to this author at this point. The only really major names on the 2010 list are Edwin Feulner, Friedman's long-time ally George Shultz, and Otto von Habsburg. Oct. 13, 2020, CATO.org, 'Marijuana Prohibition Was aFarce from the Beginning'.
Member of congress 1978-1982, 1986-1988, 1989-1999, which was founded on (rather secret) neoliberal policies, which Bolkestein and later VVD head Mark Rutte have tried to deny. Many articles equated the pope with Satan - and that's just where it started. Also tied to Erik Prince and anti-communist Chinese billionaire Miles Kwok: September 22, 2017, New York Times, 'In Beijing and Abu Dhabi, Signs of Bannon's Continued Influence': October 14, 2018, The Times, 'Gold mine boss digs in with Bannon': July-August 2019, Socialist Review, 'The Brink': May 25, 2019, Forbes, 'Steve Bannon Is Ready For His Closeup. This network of foundations was primarily overseen by Richard Mellon Scaife (1932-2014).
In fact, AEI neocons as Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz formed a lasting alliance with Chicago School economists as Johnson and Thomas Sowell, which is still going on during the present War on Terror era, with the notorious Project for the New American Century essentially being a 1997 AEI offshoot.
In the end, the National Alliance and the Nazi's only purpose seems to be to discredit any scientific facts regarding race by irrationally singling out the Jews and by calling for extreme measures and extreme "purity" of race. Almost certainly Valori was well-acquainted with Michael Ledeen, another fascist Zionist extremist, at the time of Italy's false flag bombings, the Banco Ambrosiano scandal and the subsequent P2 affair. In turn, top superclass member and right-wing David Rockefeller ally George Shultz is a protege of Milton Friedman's economic theories: Burns: Born in Stanislau, Austria. Chairman of the bureau is arch-atheist Paul Cliteur, formerly of the Bilderberg and Pim Fortuyn-tied Republican Society. This is not just due to time constraints, but also because it is not clear yet how much tweaking and adding still needs to be done. Fact checking help from Kate Gallagher at The Marshall Project. Coordinator for the Middle East, Asia and Australia for Shell Chemie 1972-1973. Thiel, not Cernovich, are the only cookie-cut conservatives tied to Facebook. The Mont Pelerin Society features very few of the traditional superclass members. Shultz and Friedman played leading roles in the "Nixon Shock": the 1971 decision to take the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, making it impossible for foreign countries to swap their dollars for gold. July 4, 2014, Forbes, 'Conservative Billionaire Publisher Richard Mellon Scaife Dies': 2003, p. 1093: "Sarah Scaife Foundation, Inc. Donor(s): Sarah Mellon Scaife.
On November 2, 2019, after several months of down-time, 4chan/8chan was revived 8kun: October 25, 2019, Slate, '8chan Is Trying To Come Back As '8kun. One of many Scaife-funded groups that relentlessly attacked the Clinton administration. Hence, the National Review has always been nearly as criticial of. From The Marshall Project and WBUR, this is Violation. A story about second chances, parole boards, and who pulls the levers of power in the justice system. Yitzhak Shamir, who used to head Lehi / the Stern Gang, was part of Herut and then Likud since 1969. And when youre nervous, the first thing that goes is really emotional authenticity, you know, because youre just, youre just your body is so tense and so wired and so focused on, you know, the setting that youre in that its difficult to be emotionally authentic, you know? If the information is reorganized, it would be possible to publish it in ten 400+ page books.
The facts will always be that it wasn't until the early 1990s, when democratic rule returned to Chile, minimum wages were increased, labor unions were strengthened, and education was improved, that GDP exploded. The administrations silence empowers President Jimmy Morales to continue ruling with impunity.' August 13, 2017, The Guardian, 'Far-right rally organiser chased away after Charlottesville speech': November 29, 2016, Richard Spencer speech at the National Policy Institute (of which he is president) annual conference in Washington, D.C. (great elements to the speech, which unfortunately are tied in with Naziism and the usual silly left-right game): Until his death in 2010, Eustace Mullins was one of the most revered authors in conspiracy circles for his books, Among the conspiracy Nazi conferences he attended was the, Protege of the fascist poet Ezra Pound, who had his work published by the CIA- and, A more extensive biography is to be found in ISGP's oversight, Roughtly about 10-13% (1 in 10, 1 in 8) of prominent and semi-prominent. Accused of introducing "soft fascism" by the liberal media for suppressing opposition parties. In Whose Vote Counts, Explained series, fears about the voting process being rigged by powerful donors and corporations, gerrymandering, the Electoral Beth Schwartzapfel: Lets take a moment and sit with that. Research website in operation since at least March 1997 as part of "America's Investigative Think Tank", the Capital Research Center.
Very recognizable and very reminiscent of Wall Street, neoliberal deregulation in Chile also appears to have led to huge banking speculation and the issuing of many bad loans (many "Chicago Boys" ended up as bankers, some later accused of mishandling funds). David Horowitz has been the main force behind this magazine for all these decades. Douglas Feith, as under secretary of defense for policy, served under Wolfowitz, and, together with AIPAC henchmen as Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, collected much of the dirty propaganda to make a U.S. invasion of Iraq possible. ), shrooms, Salvia, Ibogaine and more; no out-of-control commercialism, such as 7 minute commercials just to watch the last minute of a miniseries, or commercial breaks every 5 minutes; no homeless people sleeping in the streets; little (black, etc.) Le Cercle was deeply tied to all the most sensitive conspiracies, from drug trafficking to the Strategy of Tension, and dominated by the intelligence services. Violation is a production of WBUR in Boston and The Marshall Project. Fascinatingly enough, anti-immigration "populist" candidates in the Netherlands also lean heavily on neoliberal economic thought and often are a spin-off of the VVD.
Ted Bartimus: You know, theres always the locker room humor you know, this cynicism about suspects and that. Beth Schwartzapfel: It played out in Ohio in 2013, when a man who had been out of prison for just a few months shot and killed his girlfriends daughter.
Certainly anno 2021, it is rare to find Newsmax via Google, with similar search queries in Yahoo or DuckDuckGo often leading to Newsmax popping up right at the top. Kahn received the blessing of New York State Governor Nelson Rockefeller - a major supporter of Kahn's idea to build massive amounts of nuclear fall-out shelters - in setting up the Hudson Institute, becoming a close advisor to the governor and serving on many of his committees. I talked to him in a crowded restaurant in a high-end mall in north Phoenix. The antifa do the same thing, but are far more unhinged (communists, anarchists, black revolutionaries), prone to conspiracy theory/disinformation, and basically "deep cover" operatives in the sense that the regular "liberal CIA" foundations seldom are directly affiliated with them. August 13, 2013, Breitbart, 'Breitbart Editor-at-Large Shapiro to Launch Anti-Media Matters Counterpunch with David Horowitz': davidhorowitzfreedomcenter.org (accessed: February 17, 2019): Anno 2019 even pushes Paul Joseph Watson, the long-time employee of famous. This video was produced by TED-Ed, TEDs youth and education initiative. heritage.org/article/board-trustees (accessed: August 24, 2016): heritage.org/article/board-trustees (accessed: Septmber 26, 2016): In September 2018 Rebekah Mercer and her sister Jennifer "Jenji" Mercer joined the board of overseers of the. He primarily worked with controversial SISMI asset Francesco Pazienza, with P2 member General Giuseppe Santovito being the head of SISMI at the time. Why is the right to vote in America still a fight? UK and Dutch neoliberalism and populism: Mont Pelerin? Close Silicon Valley ally Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, became a Bilderberg regular in 2011. On the contrary, over time everything he says seems to make perfect sense. Bannon and Conway both were Council for National Policy, with the Mercers being the CNP's largest donors in the pre-Trump era. CNP information for this and other articles is largely based on 1993, 1996 and 2014 membership lists. B R I EF C ONTE NTS 8 Early Civilizations in Africa 183 9 The Expansion of Civilization in Southern are primary evidence (p. 354). Hunt: Magnat with a mission': February 1, 2009, New York Times, 'There Will Be Extravagance: Riding High on Gushers of Black Gold It must be said though that wholesale deregulation as prescribed by Hayek and Friedman is unlikely to be introduced here, but you can see that the VVD is clearly, and a little covertly, leaning towards the upper class of society. In America, some votes count more than others, and the balance of power is unequal. December 22, 2018, Huffinton Post, 'Twitter Users Can't Unsee Alex Jones Feeding Roger Stone Helicopter-Style'. Minister of defense 1981-1983 under Begin, with former Lehi militia leader Yitzhak Shamir serving as foreign minister 19801986. As has been discussed in some detail in ISGP's American Security Council article, many neocons originated from the office of Senator Henry Jackson to be employed as "detente wreckers", the famous policy embraced by Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers and the State Department as a whole. Honorary directors in this period? How could anyone understand this?': bledstrategicforum.org/ index.php?id= 5&lang=en&PHPSESSID= a72d750974f00870 6aae0cce2f5702ad (accessed: Nov. 3, 2007; the meeting was less prestigeous in later years than right after its founding in 2006): culturaldiplomacy.org/ index.php?en_advisoryboard (accessed: May 31, 2011; founded by long-time Bilderberg steering committee member and IFRI founder Thierry de Montbrial, who served on the (main) advisory board until early 2010): November 17, 2018, Nova24TV.si (Far right Slovenian media outlet co-founded and co-owned by Jansa and members of his SDS party; co-financed by Viktor Orban), 'Janez Jansa na sreanju Trilateralne komisije med uglednimi in vplivnimi gosti iz celega sveta!' Two years later he received an invitation to Bilderberg, whose most important and most long-term leader from the 1950s to the 2000s was David Rockefeller. During a 1991 interview with the Federal Reserve of Minneapolis, he stated: "Tyranny, restrictions on human freedom, come primarily from governmental institutions that we ourselves set up. Financing of the Project Veritas Action Fund: Annual Form-990s of Project Veritas always skip listing donors or have them blacked out.
Taylor edits the journal American Renaissance and is considered another protege of William Regnery II. Oliver broke with the John Birch Society in the mid 1960s, claiming it "sold out to the Zionists" and would later join Pierce as a co-founder of the National Alliance. While it's usually the right-wing that is doing the blatantly obvious manipulation, we really have to give "the left" some "credit" here as well. The DPA's boards have been stacked with the likes of George Soros, Frank Carlucci, George Shultz, Paul Volcker and Richazrd Branson: drugpolicy.org/about/keystaff/boardofdirec/ (accessed: December 26, 2005): drugpolicy.org/staff-and-board/board-directors (accessed: April 6, 2017): September 6, 2016, Jacobinmag.com, 'Gary Johnson's Hard-Right Record': August 16, 2018, Las Cruces Sun News, 'Gary Johnson: Trump's actions on immigration, trade spurred US Senate run': Political advisor, lobbyist and dirty trickster for the political campaigns of Republicans as Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp and Bob Dole. An indeterminate sentencing model, by the way, means the judge sentences you to a range of time, like 5 to 10 years.
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whose vote counts, explained transcript